Harry Potter x Tom Riddle

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Harry groaned softly as he woke up slowly from his sleep, sighing contentedly when he felt long fingers running through his hair, messing up the raven colored locks even more than it already was.

He sighed again, and snuggled into the warm pillow that was incredibly comfortable. He felt safe, complete. Like nothing could ever harm him. However, that feeling soon started to fade as he heard a chuckle come from his supposed 'pillow'.

He was immediately on alert, opening his eyes widely, attempting to sit up in the comfortable bed when long arms wrapped around him. He struggled, despite the complete feeling in his soul, and felt the person start to place kisses on his neck. He moaned softly when the person hit a pulse point, and the person chuckled. He relaxed back into the person as they started to position him so he was in their lap, head resting comfortably on their chest, tucked underneath their chin.

"I never thought that you were such a cuddle person" Said a deep, handsome voice, hisses in his words, and Harry was again woken up from his trance-like state as he recognized the voice.

"Voldemort" He snarled, attempting to get away from the comfortable arms, when Voldemort leaned in and whispered in his ear in Parseltongue, involuntarily sending a shiver down his spine. Voldemort- no, Tom had reverted back to his 16 year old self again, and his looks were not helping the situation.

"Relax, my little ssssserpent" He hissed, and Harry found his body responding automatically, falling back into the man's arms as he brought one of his hands up to card his fingers through Harry's hair, the other arm wrapped around his chest in a protective way. Harry sighed again when Tom's hands started to massage his scalp gently, starting feather-light kisses at his neck once more.

"What'sssss going on?" Harry asked, unknowingly switching to Parseltongue eyes dropping again from the pleasurable sensations the man was giving him.

"I recently have discovered sssssome rather... pleasssssant newsssss..." Tom hissed, and Harry's mind struggled to comprehend the words as Tom started to rub his hands up and down his arms, starting to bite and lick at his neck.

"I have disssscovered that you are my horcrux" Tom said, and Harry was confused.

"What'ssss a... horcrux?" Harry asked, tasting the word on his tongue, and felt Tom smirk against his neck, licking and biting, and Harry gasped out in pleasure as Tom bit down, hard.

"That meanssss" Tom bit down again, and then raised his head and brought his hand up to caress Harry's cheek tenderly.

"You are mine, Harry, never forget that" Tom whispered silkily in his ear, his teeth nipping at his earlobe, making him shudder pleasantly "Your entire being, you sssssoul calls out to me. It knowssssss that it belongsssss to me. Now, I only have to convince the mind."

Tom smirked when Harry unwillingly leaned into his touch "Which sssshouldn't take long at all"

"What are you doing to me?" Harry asked, confused by the sensations that he was feeling from the man that was supposed to be his worst enemy "Why doessss my body enjoy thissss? Why issss it lissssstening to you?"

"Perhapssss you didn't lissssten the firsssst time" Tom shook his head, and Harry at that moment felt like a child being scolded for doing something wrong "With time, that will change"

"What do you mean? Dumbledore will come for me!" Harry hissed out angrily, and Tom chuckled, looking at Harry fondly.

"My precioussss Horcrux" Tom started, and Harry felt a shiver run down his spine at the name "You left Dumbledore. You got up in the middle of the night, wrote a note to them, and left. Don't you remember leaving the Weassssley'ssss home?"

Harry frowned, trying to remember. Then, he saw the memory of him waiting until everybody was asleep, and then getting up and getting out a quill and a piece of parchment, writing a note, and then leaving.

He groaned as it all came back to him. He heard Tom chuckle.

"Remember now, my precioussss Horcrux? The Weasssley'sss think that SSSSSnape came to collect you in the middle of the night to return to the Durssssley'ssss. If they assssk him for confirmation, you know that he will lie to them." Tom hissed out, and Harry felt like banging his head against a wall.

"You controlled me?" He asked, switching languages unknowingly, and Tom smirked again.

"No, you did that all of your own accord, my little serpent. I must say, I am impressed that you came up with such a cunning plan. You would've done well in Slytherin" Tom praised, and Harry was reminded of the Sorting in his first year.

'You would do well in Slytherin...'

"The Sorting Hat wished to place you in Slytherin?" Tom quirked an eyebrow, lips forming a smirk "Looks like you have more of me in you than I had originally thought, my little serpent. So alike, but yet so many differences."

"We're nothing alike!" Harry shouted, and Tom chuckled amusedly.

"Such temper" He chastised lightly, and Harry found himself not complaining as Tom caressed his face gently, bringing their noses together, rubbing them affectionately.

They were acting so normally, Harry thought, they were acting like...like...

Lovers, Harry realized, they were acting like lovers.

And his soul was completely fine with that.

But his mind wasn't.

He jerked away from Tom's touch, trying not to flinch at the stab of pain he felt in his soul. Tom smirked "Your soul calls for me, does it not? Why are you making this so hard on yourself, Harry? I could give you anything you wanted, only the best for you, my little serpent."

"I just want you to let me go! I don't want anything from you!" Harry said harshly, and Tom raised an eyebrow, bringing a hand up to caress his cheek tenderly while leaning in to whisper in his ear.

"Are you sssure about that my little ssserpent?" He hissed softly, and Harry felt a shiver run down his spine as Tom smirked at him.

"That'sss what I thought. I could give you the world, my little sssserpent. I could give you all the richessss, jewelsss, gemssss, anything you assssk for. I want only the besssst for my horcrux" He stated, looking into his eyes deeply, and Harry felt as if he could see through his entire being, read all of his thoughts and emotions, knew him better than he knew himself.

"I-" Harry choked out, and Tom used him thumb to rub soothing circles on his cheek, and Harry found himself leaning into the touch before he realized what he was doing and tried to pull away, but Tom brought his hand up and placed it on the back of Harry's head, preventing him from moving. Seeing Harry still struggling, Tom did the only thing he could think of in that moment to calm Harry down.

He kissed him.

Harry felt everything else slip away and his whole world center around Tom as he felt himself respond to those skillful lips, feeling jealousy rise up in him as he wondered who his Tom had kissed to be this experienced...

Wait... since when did Tom become his?

Harry groaned softly as Tom started to put his hand under his robes, undoing the zipper and pushing Harry back softly onto the bed. Harry groaned again as Tom started to rub his hands all over his sensitive skin, sending pleasant goosebumps through him.

What was he getting himself into?

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