James Potter x Severus Snape

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"Hey! Snake!" James shouted as he shoved Severus to the ground, "Potter!" One of the prefects yelled at him as they were both pushed into an empty train cart as the train ways began to crowd up. "Get up!" James shouted in amusement as Snape had fallen over his own feet. "enough..." Snape muttered as he got up only to be shoved to the wall."say that again, couldn't hear you." "E-enough-!" Severus fell to the ground, crouching over himself as Potter had hit him in the stomach. "C'mon snivellus! I can't hear you!" James continued as he lifted Snape's face to see the boy crying. "Aww..and I thought you said snakes couldn't cry.." James teased as he soon hit the boy again. "I said get up!" He said once more as he lifted Severus off the ground. "L-let me go.." he attempted to show through his abnormally muted voice, though failing as it came out as a faint whisper. "Speak up!" He finished as he lifted Severus higher, Severus wanting to hide as he clinged to James' hand, attempting to curl up. "The snakes trying to burrow? How cute~" he felt himself heat up as Potter began shifting and poking at his hair. "C-can you not..?" He tried to loosen his grip as he only began to grip his hair. "S-stop!" Snape begin to cry as it started to hurt," see..? Was that so hard to do?" James said as he dropped him. " Not everybody can understand you're hissing."James went on to say as he placed a hand on his cheek, cupping his face. "Now, I want you in my dorm right after classes.. alright?"Severus went red as he thought of an excuse. "B-but I have to study I-" he spoke right before being cut off by a light kiss as a froze, the train soon stopping.

Update,part 2

"James.." snape said as he walked into the Gryffindor common room, beginning to wander into the dormitories. "You really came.."James said happily as a dragged him in by a slave into his dorm,"d-did you need something?" Snape said nervously as he was backed into a corner. "No, but I want something." James said as he slowly took Snape's bag, carefully taking his wand as he set them aside."down." Snape seemed confused as he soon felt a hand grip his hair, forcing him to his knees."I said down." Potter continued as a force the boy to look up at him. Snape tell him to go entirely red as James new down to him, pushing himself in between snapes legs as he saw James unbutton his pants. "C'mon my little snake .." he murdered and it was here as he slipped severus's pants down, beginning to touch and grope his body. "H-hey! Off!" Snape attempted to fend off the boy as Potter's hand begin to trail up his thigh. "Quiet.." he stopped talking as the sight of his is underwear being removed, "aww.. you look so cute~" he purred as he began to grab and and claw at his lower half, him being smaller overall as he didn't seem to grow past the second year. "Are you sure you're really a fourth year?"James tease as he began to push into Snape, " yes.."Severus spoke in a voice raspy and dry as they felt himself suppress the many small noises that seemed to hurt him."sit. Now." Potter said asleep hold himself up, fighting against the deep burning feeling that Potter was causing him. "No.." he murdered, soon beginning to cry as he felt James force him down I say let out a quiet moan. Though as Severus began to speak he felt James slap him,"shut it you god forsaken parselmouth." He quietly yelled at Snape as he now realized why he'd been called a snake. He felt James begin to thrust into him as he was being forcefully bounced up and down. "Relax.. you're making this painful for yourself." James said as he began to slow down, allowing Snape to finally catches breath as he could feel the burning turn into a better fullness inside of him. "See..? It's not that bad.." he attempted to comfort his little snake as he pushed it further into him, leaving him out of breath as it seemed to fill his stomach."my my~it seems that calling you short is an understatement..~" James said is he trace the clear imprint of his own cock through Snape's stomach. "I'm not small.." Snape said weakly through hushed hissing as he didn't attempt to fight back. "Oh severus.. you've only taken in half of me and I can already see it bulging through your stomach.."Snape when bright red as he could feel it stiffened from inside of him, come already beginning to cover his insides. He flinched as James began to struggle to push into in as the rest had to force its way and only to once again hurt him as he wasn't used to any form of intimacy let alone being noticeably smaller in size. Though it only seem to excite Potter as he hardened further, making it harder to push in a Severus was crying. Though after a few minutes of struggled thrust's he felt himself being stretched as James pushed his thumbs in to allow more room, earning a joyful whimper out of the quiet boy as cum dripped down Potter's cock, as Severus seemed to cling to James. "C'mon little snake~" Severus couldn't seem to miss his voice he then immediately looked up. "Bounce for me~" he finished what the flying grin of Severus began to desperately bounce the stopping as the results of pleasure seem to push him slightly too far, come beginning to drip onto his stomach. Though as is bouncing became more in your he felt James stop him,"not just yet Severus.." he could feel himself calm down as he felt potter pull out, begining to dress him as he slowly passed out.

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