As Beautiful As You

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A few minutes passed. I finished eating, Carlos was almost done with his food. I got up to put my dishes in the sink, but I caught Carlos not moving and just fidgeting with his spoon and finger.. looking at a blank space, with a worried face.

I didn't want to ask any questions, so I left him by himself. „I...shouldn't have come here....” I heard him mumble. I ignored it, I knew he wasn't okay and I wanted to leave him alone to himself. I might just make things worse.

„...I'll be going. Thanks for the food.” He said. The boy in red then got up and quietly left the building. I look at his plate. „He didn't finish eating.” Don't worry. Carlos probably lost his appetite...or was my cooking bad?

Forget it. There's not much I know about this guy, I should leave him alone for now. Even though, I still wonder why and how he's here. Who is he? A twin? A long lost brother? I can't stop the questions.

Him and Camilo looks alike, head to toe. Only the clothing is different. The personality is different, he's more avoidant, cold, quiet.

Say, what time is it?

“ 6:43 PM ”

Huh. Already? I look around, looking for an idea. I found...absolutely nothing. In my home, at least. I should go outside and maybe take some pictures.

I take my camera and went outside. A cold breeze shift past me. The sky was dim, but comforting. The town was quiet and most of the families are eating dinner together.

With their sons...fathers..and mothers. A whole family, eating together. Happily.

I shook my thoughts off. „They're going to go back home soon... Soon enough.”

I keep walking and walking, searching for something to do. Nothing happened and I ran into Casita. „Hm.”

WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! They might be eating right now, don't interrupt! They'll find you annoying, rude, they'll hate you! Mind your own business, turn around, and go!




I will not let negative thoughts win. Fuck you, I'll knock on the door to see if they really are eating!

I walk up to the door and I was about to knock, but Camilo opened the door.

„Y/n!” He said happily, with food in his mouth. „Camilo!” I replied, matching the same energy. „What are you doing? It's cold and..have you eaten dinner yet?” „Yeah, yeah, it's all good. I just have nothing to do, maybe you have a few ideas.”

I looked at the side while nodding his head. He looked and smiled at me. „Say, you like reading? I have books we can read I'm my room.” Reading? I don't really find it difficult, I sorta like it. „Sure, I don't see why not.” I shrugged. Camilo stepped back and lent out a hand. „Let us go, mi príncipe.”

I love it when he does that. I took his hand and started walking. His hand was soft and warm, I don't ever want to let go. As we were walking to Camilo's room, we ran into Abuela Alma, the founder of the miracle, the head of the Madrigals.

„Abuela!” „Camilo, what are you doing? You didn't finish your dish, and who is that with you?” „This is a friend of mine, Y/n. I wasn't really hungry yet, so I...” „Sure. Don't just leave your food next time.” „Yes Abuela. Won't happen again.” Alma just walked away in ease.

„She's so grumpy.” „Mmeh. That's uh.. normal.” We walked in Camilo's room and hung out for a few minutes. He's got many books that are really interesting.

He also taught me a bit of arts, I never knew he was such a good artist.

I wanted to draw a bit of his room for practice, so I got up and started to look around. Respectfully, obviously.

Yes, his room was a beautiful place to use as a reference, but it just doesn't feel right. I was interested in the mirrors, but all of them felt so....empty.

Except for one.

The one near the main door. Something about it that makes me feel the sense of Déjà Vu. It looked like every other mirror, yet it's still different.

I sat Infront of it and looked at it well. I could see myself and the room all around me. I can't keep an image in my mind for long, so I kept glancing at it, staring at it. I stared for a long time trying to improve my memory, but as I was doing so, I saw someone come out behind me in the mirror.

He was wearing a dark red poncho with his hair covering one eye. I instantly knew who it was, I scooted closer to the mirror to inspect the strange figure.

He saw me and stepped back a bit. We looked at each other for a few seconds. He then slowly lifted his hand and gave me a little wave. I waved back, of course.

Camilo sat next to me and looked at the mirror. „Are you drawing a self portrait, mi Príncipe?” „...maybe, hmhm.” I giggled a bit.

„I think, you're too pretty to even be painted. You should be...sculpted.” He then smiled at me. I felt my face heat up, his smile was everything.

He looked back at the mirror, so did I. Carlos....wasn't there anymore. Was I hallucinating?

No, no, I knew what I saw. But is it even possible?? Someone to be in a mirror?

„You like that mirror?” „Sort of, something about it makes it different.” „You think of it as a positive thing or a negative thing, make sit different either way.” „..That:s actually true.”

After I said that, he gently held my cheeks and made us look at each other, face to face. His face was close enough to mine, that I can see his faint freckles.

„You know, I might actually sculpt you.” „You..sculpt?” „Used to. Maybe I can start sculpting again if you want me to.” „That is your choice.”

He was still holding onto my cheeks. He faced me to the mirror, making me look at myself. „Yes, but...look at you. You're so pretty, so handsome. I want to make art about you, but I'm afraid you're too beautiful to be remade into something that is as beautiful as you. Art.”

Was that a compliment? I don't know, but it made my heart race. „Speechless?” The boy beside me asked. I just nodded. He was so charming. So nice, so gentle, he's everything I needed.

Everything I needed?

Am I inlove?

With him?


„That is your choice.” The pretty boy said. I didn't have an exact answer, but I did have a few answers in mind. I moved my hand to allow him look at himself.

„Yes, but...look at you. You're so pretty, so handsome. I want to make art about you, but I'm afraid you're too beautiful to be remade into something that is as beautiful as you. Art.” I answered.

He just stared at me, flushed.

„Speechless?” I asked. Y/n nodded.

He's so kind, and perfect, I just want to spend more time with him. Our faces were close, close enough for us

Maybe, but will I....will I?

I want to, but maybe it's too sudden. I just shook it off and scooted behind him and hugged him from behind.

Y/n gave me comfort. He's warm, cozy, everything I need.

I love him, so much.

Picture Perfect || Camilo Madrigal x M!Reader || DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now