Mi Príncipe

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Camilo was Infront of the fridge, holding an empty cup. I quickly realize that the bandages were clearly visible. I shut the door on his face with a mixture of embarrassment and fear.

„Y/n? Are you okay in there?” „I'm doing fi-ne!” „I'm not joking, I saw those bandages. Are you really doing okay? I can take you to Julieta--”

„I'm fine, really. This is..normal to me.” I opened the door and stepped out. „I can get you a cup of water.” I shook my hand I was about to apologize but someone was calling for Camilo.

„Camilo? Camilo! Your mother's worried about you!” Camilo put down the glass and ran to the door. „I'm really sorry, I have to go. Mirabel's calling for me, I'll make sure to pick you up tomorrow!” I nodded at him. „Buenas noches, Y/n!” With that, he left the home.


„Buenas noches, Y/n!” I stepped out the door and ran to Mirabel. „Mirabel, what's wrong?” „There you are! Tía Pepa's worried, you were gone the whole day, where have you been?” „A friend's. Don't worry, I'll head right to Casita.” My legs moved to get pass Mirabel, but she quickly ran beside me. „A friend? I haven't really seen you hang out with anyone this far from Casita.” „A new friend, now go on and hurry back to the house. I'll follow.” „Alright, 'f you say so.” Mirabel left me alone.

All that is in my mind is Y/n and why he has bandages around his stomach. I seriously wonder what he's onto, what's under those bandages.

It hasn't even been 24 hours yet, Camilo. Calm down and wait for them to tell you themselves...

I rub the space between my eyes. After a few seconds, I was back at Casita and was greeted with a storm within the home. Casita opened its doors and led me to Mami.

„Camilo, mi mijo!” My mother ran to me and hugged me tightly, like I got back after years of being gone. „M-ami! To-o tight! I can't b-breathe!” She loosened her hug and cupped my face with both her hands. „Ay, mi mijo..where have you been?! You worried me so much!” „I can clearly see that...I've been to a friend's house, not like I got kidnapped—or like I climbed the mountains!” „Don't scare me like that again! Tell me whenever you'll be away!” I sighed as I put her hands down. „Yes, mami.” The storm quickly disappeared and she let me go. „Where are you heading?” My father asked. „Abuela.” I smiled and with that, I ran to Abuela's door.

„Abuela?” I knocked on the door gently. „Camilo? What is it?” „I'm just wondering if I can invite a friend over tomorrow for Antonio's ceremony?” „Of course, everyone is welcome to the ceremony.” „¡Gracias, Abuela!” I quickly went to my room and took a nap.


It all happened so fast. Camilo's probably disgusted...isn't he? Just act like nothing happened. You are going to a ceremony tomorrow, act all neat.

I can feel tears form in the corners of my eyes, I stopped myself from crying by chugging a few cups of water, to calm myself down.

I sat on my bed quietly while I grip on my camera...eventually, I fell asleep.


I woke up the next morning with a light headache. I realized that there wasn't any pillows under my head, how stupid can I be?

I felt like I was forgetting something, like I should do something because I'm going somewhere.

„ANTONIO'S GIFT CEREMONY!” I carefully but quickly got up and ran to my closet.

„I should wear something neat, something not too formal but simple. Camilo is picking me up, I'm sure of that.”

I decided to wear a plain white long-sleeved shirt under a black short-sleeved shirt with a few golden butterflies on it, matching with my dark brown jeans.

I took a look at myself in the mirror, making sure that I looked good enough. „Looks fine to me.” I grabbed the polaroid camera and head downstairs.

I quickly took a photo of the flowers and ate breakfast asap. After eating breakfast, I cleaned everything up from my bed to the dishes.

Knock, knock!

„Y/n? It's Camilo, came to pick you up.” I can hear his smile from behind the door, he didn't forget about me!

„Yes,yes, I'm coming.” I opened the door with a smile and light red tints on my cheeks. „Buenos días, mi príncipe.” He bowed, like a was royalty. „Good morning, why act like I'm a prince? I'm just a normal person in this city.” „Hm. Probably because you look like a prince. Majestic, handsome.” Camilo smiled at me, making me blush even more.

I covered half of my face with a hand, all while looking away trying not to giggle. „Shall we?” The shape shifter lend a hand. I took his soft hand and as I was stepping out, I can hear Mirabel singing and dancing about the family.

I cought Camilo glancing at my clothing, specifically my shirt. „...do you like it, Cami?” „Yeah.” He pointed at the designs on my shirt. „Golden Butterflies.” I'm assuming he likes butterflies.

„You like 'em?” „Love them.” „I can give you a few for free, the problem is that their gonna show up in your stomach.” I accidentally slipped out. I slapped my lips with my hand. „¡Lo Siento!” „Pfft..”

Camilo's shoulder tensed up.

„Pff..baha..haha!” He was...laughing?


„¡Lo Siento!” They apologized. I found it cute, what he said was making my face turn as red as a tomato. I tried not to laugh, but I failed.

„Pff..baha..haha!” Y/n looked so confused. „Ay, jeez. You really are a cute one, aren't 'ya?” I hang my arm on his shoulders.

We held hands until we made it to Casita.

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