Third Time's a Charm

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You sat there for another few seconds, you couldn't move at all.

„Man, what did he do to me..?” You whispered, trying to move your legs.

„I just had a conversation with a Madrigal...Camilo Madrigal...!” You felt your fave heating up as you enter your bedroom.

You jump on the bed, kicking your legs. „What's gotten into me? Why am I so excited?!” Your smile disappeared and got replaced with a small grin. „There's just something about him...”


I walked up to my tía and imitated the children's smiles. „Tía...” I whispered with a music-like tone. Tía Julieta then turned to us. „Camilo! What's wrong? Is someone hurt? Are you hurt?” „Nonon, we just want a few arepas.” She sighed. „Camilo, haven't you already eaten enough earlier?” „Tía, you're letting these children's dreams down!” I jokingly whined, hoping that she'll fall for it. Once again, she sighed. I opened one eye and saw her grabbing a plate and filling it up with her arepas. „Yes!!” I whisper-yelled. „Here. Make sure to give the others some too, if you can't finish it all..which probably won't happen.” She giggled. „Yes, tía, let's go amigos!” The kids behind me cheer and clapped their hands, excited to take a bite of the most delicious arepa con quesos in the whole wide world!

Me and the other children ate the arepas together, but they could barely eat because of the jokes I made...hehe. Eventually, they had to go home and I was left alone. I leaned against the tree trunk as I cross my arms. I didn't know what to do, so I looked everywhere for an idea. I looked at the sky, at the other villagers, to the mountains, to the Casita, and to the home of the photographer.

„Huh. Maybe I should visit him.” I picked myself up, and started walking towards the home.


I decided to take more photos, so I got back up. I stand Infront of the window in my room, it has the best view of the village. I looked everywhere, I couldn't find anything good for a picture. I was on the string on giving up, but I saw Camilo leaning on a tree. As always, he looks majestic.

I ready up my camera and waited for him to pose perfectly. He looked up in the sky and


I took a picture. It didn't look good, so I took another one.


His face was blurred out. Plus, my camera was moving.

„Ah, jeez.” I sighed and got ready for another photo. I didn't care about what he looked like, what he was doing. I gave up on a perfect photo, all I wanted was a photo of him.

„Third time's a charm..”


I took the polaroid know the drill. Shook it back and forth. The picture finally faded in and I was gifted with a surprising sight. Camilo looking right at the camera.

„Woah. Lucky shot...” I stared at the picture for a few seconds, admiring his perfect appearance.

Knock, knock!

I heard a few knocks on my front door. „Coming!” I yelled as I hide the photo in my pocket, running down the stairs. I made it to the front door and accidentally swung it open. I dodged it, but was still startled.

„¡Lo siento!” I apologized as soon as I had time to speak. „It's alright.” I looked up and saw Camilo, right infront of me. My eyes widened. „What- what brings you here?” „Dunno, I'm bored? Maybe I can take a few photos with you.” I tilted my head. „Photos...with me?” „Yup!”

I took a deep breath and gripped on my camera. „I don't see why not. Come on in, I mean, if you want to.” I sat on the nearest chair, Camilo followed.

„So, do you just take photos randomly or do you have a schedule thing?” „I just take them when I feel like it, I do it randomly.” I said, sorting out the photos I have on the counter.

„You have quite the number of photos of those flowers. Do you like 'em?” The curly haired shape shifter asked. „They're my favorite.” Camilo nodded.

Am I thinking?? I have Camilo Madrigal beside me! I haven't had a talk with anyone for almost my whole life!

„...Oh!” Camilo hummed and picked up a polaroid. „This is new.” „Eh-?” „Oh, and this one too.” Crap, He saw my failed photos! Act calm, act all calm!

„Oh. Those are just some failed pictures.” „Failed...? I think it looks cool.” I chuckled. „Thanks.” Camilo then leaned on his chair. „I was right there at that spot before I came to visit you, does that mean you were taking photos of me earlier?”

Crap, does he find it weird?? Is he gonna hate me?!

I nodded slowly, hoping he doesn't find it offending. „Hey, third time's a charm, yeah? Do you have a third photo?” I look at him and smiled...I..don't know why.

„Actually, yes, I do.” I take the polaroid out my pocket and gave it to Camilo. „I was looking right at you, and I didn't even see you.” I looked away trying to hide my red ass face. We sat there in a bubble of silence. „Can I keep it?”

I was surprised because of the sudden break of the silence. „Man, I'm sorry! Did I scare you?”

„, but sure. You can keep it.” „Say, remember the reason why I came here?” „To take photos.” „Uh-huh, to take photos with you. Shall we start?” He stood up and reached out a hand, like we were about to dance. I took his hand, it was so soft, I couldn't describe it.

„Vámanos, mi príncipe.”

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