Mi Amigo

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„Vámanos, mi príncipe.”

His face then turns red. He looks so adorable trying to hide it...what am I thinking? I just find it cute...nothing else, right? It's not like I'm inlove, pfft.

„So, what should we do first?” „I dunno..I'm planning on taking more photos of you, your appearance is perfect, it would always go along with the filter, lighting, background, blah blah.”

I smiled at his statement. My appearance is perfect, he said?

All of a sudden, he pointed his camera at me and--


He took a photo. I blinked a few times because of the sudden act. „Ah, sorry. Your smile was priceless.” Was that a compliment? It can't be, I'm blushing too hard.

„Aha..thank you--” I stopped myself. „You didn't tell me your name yet, buddy.” His E/c eyes lock with mine. „Right, it's Y/n. Y/n L/n.” „Y/n, huh? What a beautiful name you have.” „Thank you. Can I call you Camilo?” „I don't see why not, sure. Now, where should we take some photos?”

After that, Y/n took my hand. His hands were as soft as cotton candy, his grip wasn't too loose, but not too hard either...

He led me to a room that was full of props and clothes, I'm guessing this is where he takes a few photos. „Is this your studio?” „Sort of. I don't really take photos here.. Anymore. Anyway, mind if you sit over there? Don't worry, I keep this place clean.” I sat at the spot Y/n was pointing at. I didn't even have time to fix my clothes, a photo was already taken.

„Perfecto.” He whispered. Was I supposed to hear that?

„Here.” Y/n handed me the polaroid. I took a look at it, I looked so fine. „How'd you do it? This looks amazing!” „I'm not sure. I just took a picture when you looked alright, like putting a video on slow motion and searching through each frame for a good looking frame.”

I nodded. After that, we hung out for a few hours. We eventually got tired and took a rest on Y/n's bed.


Me and Camilo were exhausted, so we decided to take a break on the bed. We laid there for almost ten minutes in silence, not until Camilo said something.

„Today was really fun, mi amigo.” „...Amigo?” „Yeah, I decided to befriend you.” „Wh..why?” „Why not? You're fun to hang out with, I'm being 101% honest.” The shape shifter chuckled. „A friend. I'm someone's friend...” „No, you're not just someone's friend. You are my friend, Y/n.” I smiled. I felt somewhat, special. Something about this guy just makes butterflies fly around my stomach. „Yeah, I am.” Camilo then sat up and rested his chin on the palm of his hand, with his other hand resting on his hip.

„I invite you to Antonio's gift ceremony tomorrow night.” I looked at Camilo over my elbow. „Is it ok to bring my camera?” „Of course, I'll pick you up by morning.” „Sounds good.”


„Is it ok to bring my camera?” „Of course, I'll pick you up by morning.” „Sounds good.” I gave him a warming smile. Y/n sat up almost too fast to the point where he accidentally crushed his stomach.

„fuck..!” He hissed. They quickly grip on their stomach in pain. „Y/n? You doin’ alright?” I furrowed my brows out of worry. Y/n shook his head and gently got up. „You're sure you're fine, right? You can tell me anything.” „I'm fine, really. It's just...dunno. What time is it?” „Around 3:30. Why?” He shook his head. I hope he's ok.


I tried to change the subject. „What time is it?” „Around 3:30. Why?” I just shook my head. „I'll head to the bathroom, mind of you wait?” „Not at all, take your time.” I walked out the room and ran to the bathroom.

I locked the door and lifted up my sweater and saw a few blood stains around my scars. „Shitshitshit...” I whisper-yelled. I quickly took the first aid kit and covered up the scars to prevent it from bleeding more. „Come on come on..” I tightened the bandages and sighed. „...Dammit.”

I brush my hand through my hair and tightened my grip out of stress, causing my hair to become a mess.

I then heard someone walking down the stairs. „Y/n? If you're here somewhere I'm just getting some water--” I accidentally swung the door open not knowing what I looked like.

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