Ella Puede Armar Todo

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„I have no time for questions.” After that, everything went silent. A few seconds passed and I heard footsteps, he's probably walking away.

Who is Carlos? Is he a forgotten Madrigal? How come I've never heard of him before?

I heard Camilo sigh in frustration. „Mh!” I hummed. I think I just heard something I shouldn't have! I realized, the footsteps got faster and faster until I heard Casita's door open.

Footsteps got louder and louder until I felt it above my head. A door squeaked open and got shut.

I didn't hear anything about Carlos after that. I have to tell everyone about this, but who knows what'll happen?

I should talk about this to someone else, Y/n. He has already met Carlos and I think he has a few assumptions or information...

...Right, he's asleep.

Maybe I can ask Camilo, I'm sure he has a few ideas. Let's keep Antonio out of this.

Camilo's still around Y/n's house, perhaps I can still reach out to him.


Finally, I was close to Y/n's house. It was deep in the town and was in a quiet spot. There wasn't many people around, so it got quieter—which I appreciate.

I made it to the photographer's front door. I knocked on it and waited, patiently.

Footsteps approach me. Someone opened the door. Camilo was standing Infront of me as he tilts his head in curiosity.

„Dolores, what are you doing here?” He whispered. „To talk about someone you recently met.”

Right after I said that, the boy Infront of me showed surprise and stepped back a bit.

„Ahah.. who- who are you talking about?” He said in a breaking voice, along with a nervous smile.

It was obvious, he was lying.

„You need to get better at lying, I can see and hear right through you.” I heard him gulp.

„Alright, alright! Give me a name, at least.” „Carlos.” I did not hesitate to speak of him. I needed to know about him.

„...” Camilo stayed silent for a few seconds. „...Oh, yeah. Him...” „Are you familiar?” The niño in yellow rubbed the back of his neck as he looked away.

„I, uhhmm...of-.. of course I am. What's the point in lying if you...already know the answers..?” His voice was hesitant and anxious. His brows furrowed along with his eyes being targeted right at me.

He stepped outside and closed the door behind him. „Now, what about Carlos?” „I want to know more about him..” „Well, do you think I know all about him? We literally just met!”„If you have any ideas about him, tell me."

A bubble of silent formed around me and my brother. He stared at me then looked at the ground. „I feel like he's...a...lost Madrigal..?”

„...Makes sense, but I would know since I'm the eldest among the grandchildren.” „Then on the other hand, I think he's like.. not from here.”

„..Mm?” „I dunno, I just have a guy feeling that he isn't connected to us somehow.” Be shrugged. I nodded as a response. „I get it. Is that all?” „Y-..yeah. but please, don't tell anyone. Keep this a secret for now, please?”

I look into his eyes. It was full of beg and sympathy. I can't deny it, it was genuine. I sighed and gave him a smile.

„Of course,” „I'll be the one to tell everyone, promise?” „...I promise.”


I woke up after who knows how long. I look outside and it was around 5:30-6:00. I got up and walked in the bathroom.

My hair was a mess and my face looks exhausted. Of course, I just woke up.

Oh yeah, Camilo came here for snacks. Is he still here? I walk down the stairs to see if there's someone with me in the building.

Unfortunately, no. I was alone. Although, there was chocolate wrapper on the counter. He probably forgot to throw it out. I just ignored it, I was still a bit fuzzy in the head and tired. It's like I just woke up a five seconds ago.

I saw my camera on the counter with a letter under it. " You left this. ".

I've never seen the handwriting before and I don't remember leaving this somewhere.

Oh shit, yeah!

I left it behind that house, who would've known?! This thing could've been stolen!

I wanted to thank the person who gave me this but..I can't seem to know who it was. „Meh.” I shrugged it off.

It's almost time for dinner, I should get something to eat. I walk up to the fridge to see if there's anything available to eat.

There's only a few chocolate bars, packs of cookies, cooking ingredients and some stuff to drink. „Ugh...” I think things through. Should I get food outside or cook for myself?








I should just cook for myself, that way I can make the food however I want!

Don't worry, I know how to cook. My parents taught me way before they moved out, heh.

The only thing available to cook are two cans of corn beef. Corn beef doesn't hurt to try out, right?


Finally, I finished cooking. I cooked a bit...too much for just one person. But I was hungry so I figured I can finish it myself.

I ready my plate and sat on the chair. Right before I was going to take a bite, I heard hesitant knocks on my door.

„Mmh??” I put my spoon down and walk up to the door. „Yes?” I said opening the door slightly.

Someone cleared their throat and I kind of recognize it so I opened the door,

only to see Carlos, standing infront of me. „Well, well, look who decided to come visit.” I smirked to tease the Madrigal. „I- Don't...shut up.” „What do you need?” „..Uhm...f-...” I can see his face go pink. „What was that?” „..F...Food! I need to get some food, for dinner, alright?!”

„Why're you so shy to ask? Go on, I don't see how giving someone dinner hurts.” I gestured him to step inside. It was cold outside.

Hesitantly, he stepped in and I closed the door. „Newly cooked corn beef, I made it myself!” I say as I give him a plate and utensils. „...Thank you.”

„Come on, take a seat.” I offer. I sat down and took a deep breath. „...This your first time eating with someone?” „Wha-?! No, of course not! I have a family of my own! Plus, why're you so cocky? Is this your first time eating with someone?” A small sweat roll down his cheek. „No. I have a family of my own.”

„..Thanks for the food...” Carlos whispered. I nodded and we started eating.

Picture Perfect || Camilo Madrigal x M!Reader || DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now