The Valentines dance

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The valentines dance would be held at the school of course. By the time everybody arrived, the valentine team decorated the school to look so beautifully covered in red, white, and pink decorations as well as beautiful fairy lights hanging from the trees and red and white roses were EVERYWHERE and a big sign that said, "Enjoy your Valentine's Day".

Author's pov
You looked around EVERYWHERE for Felix, yet he was nowhere to be seen. Everybody else started coming and greeted you yet...still no Felix.

"Hey Y/n...", Hyunjin whispered behind you as everybody left to dance and he was still the last one standing.

"Hey Hyunjin- do you have a valentines date?", you said smiling and turning towards him.

"No...somebody else stole her away from me..", he said clenching his jaw, "and that idoit still hasn't arrived yet".

"Felix isn't here either.. I'm kind of's been more than an hour".

"Well...I mean...we can dance until he arrives?"

You shook your head. "What if it breaks the loyalty system?"

"Come on- everybody knows that we're dancing as friends", he said pulling you to where the other are as he helped you put your hand on his shoulder as he gently placed his hand on your waist and slowly started dancing with you.

It kinda...drove all your worries away.

It had been at least 20 minutes while the both of you were dancing peacefully without saying a single word, yet the intensity of the crowds looking at you was still daunting you.

After that, you realised Felix was smiling at you with a bouquet in his hands and he was just leaning on a wall. How long has he been staring at you dancing with Hyunjin?

You quickly pushed Hyunjin aside gently and approached Felix.

"I'm so sorry- I was just- Hyunjin and I-"

"It's guys look cute together", he shrugged, "he still really likes you".

"No Felix you don't understand...", you sighed, "can please?"

"Of course", he smiled and yet there was everybody, tracking you with their eyes on how you got a completely new partner to dance with. Was dumping Hyunjin like that REALLY the best idea- I mean he knew you were dancing with Felix and he was the first one to ask...but the guilt was still killing you.

You looked up at Felix and he was staring into your eyes. This has GOT to be the right moment. Just do it Y/n.

"Will you be my boyfriend Felix?"

It felt like the whole atmosphere stopped working...

Felix's pov
I closed my eyes, I don't want to see her reaction. "No", I said firmly.

I felt soft splashes on my chest while she was willing to leave my grasp. She'll be okay
of course- she will move on easily with Hyunjin or something....

But will I be okay?


She cried even more..but this time in joy. Then she did something really unexpected.

She ran her hands through my jawline and landed her soft lips on mine. I put her down gently and melted into her kiss as I tried to win the dominance.

I'm such a big boyfriend betrayer.

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