Dinner date

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"Are you SERIOUS Y/n", Chan said gently whacking your head in a playful way, "you're such a overthinker MY GOD- here hold my hand, I'll accompany you for dinner", Chan offered and you smiled and took it.

As you both walked, the perfect question came to your mind. "So....who's this girl you've been texting lately...?"

"Uhhhh nobody special", he said while blushing.

"Oh come on Oppa I could help you both get to together".

"Fine- it's one of the girls from Heejin's school. So basically the cheerleading squad is quite pathetic and all- and this one lonely girl was sitting by herself and I felt bad and started talking to her and got her number and yeah..."

Wow Chan. Pick me up like that now please.

You teased him to another level and he did one of his cute "let go of me Noona" laugh.

You both arrived at the restaurant to see both Hyunjin and Felix staring at you and Chan

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You both arrived at the restaurant to see both Hyunjin and Felix staring at you and Chan. Ha- serves them right as you guys directly sit in front of each other. You tried looking less at them and more at Chan- but they are so Ksndhjdksks how could you not.


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"Here's the menu", Felix said passing it to Chan but Chan was waiting for you to grab it. You awkwardly did. You touched Felix's hand on PURPOSE and he looked away so you never got to know if he blushed or not (he did ;)). You and Chan hid your face behind the menu. "This is too awkward", you whispered to Chan.

"I know...why on earth is everybody suddenly staring at me like that", Chan whispered back.

You quickly put your orders in and everybody started a convo except for you who stayed quiet. You sipped your drink gently and found yourself staring at Hyunjin. His sharp jawline moving softly every time he laughed when somebody made a joke, how can somebody be so perfect.

He looked at you and caught you staring and you quickly looked away. In the midst of the boredom, the food arrived and you snacked on it carefully while the others jumped right in. The food was delicious of course, but the atmosphere? Not so much. You felt so uncomfortable and...unloved.

You finished your dinner and got up to give in your part of the pay when suddenly a birthday cake came out of nowhere. "ITS MY BIRTHDAY", Heejin cheered and everybody cheered for her.

You noticed Hyunjin back hugging her and Felix was holding her hand. Wasn't that meant to be you?

You burst into tears and shoved everybody away, running to the exit.

"Y/N", Chan called out, but it was too late.

Y/n's pov
I ran and ran through the dark city lights, trying to find a taxi or Uber or SOMETHING. I need to run before Chan gets here. I don't need anymore sympathy of people trying to take care of me, no matter how much I love Chan as an older brother. I need to take a stand for myself.

I look around. I don't even know my way around of the busy city. I see an alleyway full of light. Maybe that's the way to a nicer street. I go through it. It became narrower and narrower in every step I took. I get harshly pinned to the wall and hands up my thighs. I tried to scream for help, but my mouth was instantly covered as the heavy breathing from all that trying to strangle me got closer, the man suddenly got punched in the face and clutched on the ground with his face bleeding.

You turn around to see your ✨hErO✨....

Hyunjin's pov
This is perfect. Y/n is hurt. Taeyong who now hm? It's Hyunjin and his friends now. Ew did I just back hug that weird ass bitch- I'm gonna vow to never do that again. Enough rambling Hwang- RUN.

I ran out of the restaurant and followed Y/n- god OML since when did she get so fast. Where tf- oh- there she is. I quickly ran though to see her nowhere...this must be only one thing... the alleyway.

I turned my head to see two figures hug each other tightly. I get closer to the figures. Taeyong and Y/n?

They were kissing.

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