fifty eight

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A/N- this is such a short chapter, but bare with me, I have plans.


After dinner I went to my room alone. Elio kept trying to get me to spend the night in the boys room, but I continued to protest. Eventually he let me go.

After getting into bed I started looking at all my homework I was assigned to do during our break. I had made sure to finish it before going home, so it was all finished. I just wanted to make sure I hadn't missed anything. I sat on my bed when I heard someone knock. Thinking it was Pansy I said, "Come in".

I was still looking down at the paper in my hand when she came in. It was when the door closed, I looked up. It wasn't Pansy, but instead Theo. I wasn't expecting him, so I was obviously taken back.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. Pure curiosity, but I think he took it offensive.

"Wanted to see you. Is that a crime?" he said defensively.

"No. We've been around each other for a while now. You saw me then." He was standing by the door, making no move to come any closer. When he didn't say anything I spoke again. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Theo mumbled.

"Why didn't you write?" I asked.

"I was busy."

"Not busy enough to not write to Blaise." I pointed out.

"How do you know I wrote to him?" he asked, surprised.

"He told me." I said. "Was I not supposed to know?" It took Theo a while to actually say anything.

"My father knows Blaise. He doesn't know you."

"So your dad was controlling who you could and couldn't write to?" I asked. When he hesitated I spoke again. "It's fine. Let's forget about you not writing to me."


"Are we okay, Theo?" I hope I didn't sound desperate.

"I'm okay. Are you?" he asked. And people say I'm the oblivious one. He finally took a couple steps closer to my bed.

"Are we. Our relationship." I clarified.

"Did you realize that we've been together for more than a year now?" Theo smiled. It was nice to see him smile. It had been a while.

I smiled as well. "Yeah. I thought maybe you would write." Maybe I shouldn't have said that because the smile was once again gone. "It doesn't matter now. Maybe for our two years." I smiled reassuringly.


"Why don't you sit down?" I patted the spot right in front of me as I started clearing all my papers out of the way and onto my bedside table.

Theo sat down and looked at my hand. I had gotten a new ring when I went into London with that group of muggle kids from my neighborhood and Blaise and Elio.

"Where did you get that?" I wore many rings, but this one had more of a flowery design.

"London. I saw it in a shop and I forced Elio to lend me some money for it." I smiled at the nice memory.

"Did you have fun during break?" Theo asked. I nodded my head. I had fun, but I missed him the most. I didn't like being this attached to him. I felt it could easily bite me in the ass eventually.

"I really missed you, Theo." I said sadly. He leaned over to hug me and right away I fell easily into his embrace. It was nice to finally be in his arms after a while. I missed his smell and the way everything was so easy with him. "Promise me you'll never leave me." I said. Ironic that just a couple months ago I made Theo promise me that he would end this relationship if he wasn't truly invested in it. And now it was the opposite.

"Aurora..." Theo began saying. He pulled back enough to grab both sides of my face. "I love you." I shook my head.


"Aurora. I love you. I do. Never doubt that." I felt like crying.

"I love you too." I whispered right before he began kissing me. I was caught a little off guard, though I should have expected it. Theo pulled away quickly after a while so he could reposition himself on my bed. He put his back against the headboard then picked me up slightly by my hips and set me on his lap so I would be straddling him.

He looked me in the eyes as we made intense eye contact. "Is this okay?" he asked. I whispered a breathless 'yes' as I grabbed his face to start kissing him again. He opened his mouth easily to make the kiss more intense than it already was. I started feeling hot and bothered, but I tried focusing on only the action of our kissing.

Theo pulled away quickly as I went for his neck. We were both breathless and Theo started to squirm.

"Fuck... Aurora. Can we-" I started undoing his tie and the first couple of bottoms of his shirt for easier access to his neck. I hummed in question as I kept my lips and tongue on his skin. "Can we do more than just kiss?" he asked breathlessly. I froze up. I mean, what was I expecting? I knew eventually he would ask and the way things were going right now I don't think things would've ended with our bodies fully clothed.

I put my chin on his shoulder. "Like what?" My heart was pounding in my ears and I could practically feel my body start to respond to Theo's insinuations.

"Anything you're comfortable with." He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me flush against him. My chest against his. I was holding myself slightly above Theo so I wouldn't put my entire weight on him.

I pulled my head back to look at him. "All the way? Or just a..." He knew what I was asking. He put my hair behind my ear and kissed me softly.

"If you're ready, then both." he suggested. Was I ready? Without another word I reached between us and started unbuckling his pants.

"Are you a virgin?" I asked him. He took a minute to respond before nodding his head. "Well I am too. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing here." I added a little laugh to lessen the tension, but it did no good. I was too scared to undress him and he was making no move of doing anything.

I got off of him and stood next to the bed. "Aurora," he grabbed my hands and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He pulled me to stand in between his legs as he started getting visibly vulnerable, "I just know that whatever happens tonight I won't regret any of it. Whether we do any of it right or not," he laughed just how I had. "I'll never regret you or anything we do." As I looked down at him I moved hair out of his eyes. "I'll love you forever. No matter what."

And with that, we were getting fully undressed.


A/N- I robbed you. I know. <3

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