twenty three

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When I woke up my bedside clock said it was 10 A.M. There was a lot of noise and I could smell food. I didn't really have an appetite. Someone knocked on my door, but before I could answer the door opened.

I looked to see who it was and it was my dad. "What?" I asked, "I'm still very tired so I don't want to get up."

"Here. This just got here." he gave me two letters. One to me and Elio from Draco and the other one was from George.

My dad was still standing in my doorway so I said, "You can leave." I tried my best to sound nice, but the words I said gave a different idea.

"Who's George? Elio didn't tell me about a friend of your guys' named George."

"We don't have all the same friends." I said sourly.

"Right." he left my room, but didn't close my door.

I opened the letter from George first:

Dear Rory,

Fred and I got used to having you around while doing our pranks. It doesn't exactly feel right without you here. We really wish you would come for New Years, but Ron told us you were already staying with the ferret. If you change your mind just write back to me and Fred and I could go get you and apparate you here. It'll be your first time, but it'll be fun seeing you almost throw up.

Sincerely, George

I rolled my eyes at the last part of the letter and put it to the side. I opened Draco's letter next.

Dear Rory and Elio,

Blaise and Theo showed up to my house today. Apparently they weren't doing anything for Christmas so they came early. I already wrote to Pansy asking her if she wanted to come too. She said she'll get here tomorrow. I'm writing to you guys to ask if you wanted to come earlier than the planned day. It's just a suggestion. Aurora, I know Theo would definitely want you to come earlier than the 31st.

Sincerely, Draco

I proceeded to roll my eyes again. I definitely would rather be at Draco's house than my own. I got out of bed to show the letter to Elio. He was at the dining room table talking with my dad. I interrupted whatever they were talking about and gave the letter to Elio.

"What's this?" he asked as if he couldn't read the envelope.

"It's from Draco. Theo and Blaise are at his house already and Pansy is going tomorrow. I wanna go too." I said. He read the letter and rolled his eyes.

"Draco is stupid, but he's not wrong." he sent me a playful look.

"Is that all you paid attention to? I'm going." I said as I went to my room to start packing the little amount of clothes I had brought home from Hogwarts. I would have to take a second bag since I'm going to stay for longer than originally planned.

Elio came into my room and sat on my bed. "I want to stay for the rest of the holidays here."

I stopped what I was doing and looked at him, "Why?" I asked.

"Well I had no idea dad was going to be coming when I accepted Draco's invitation to stay at his house."

"So? He'll still be here when we come back from school. Oh wait- he might not be." I got up from my spot on the floor and went into the bathroom to get shampoo.

Elio followed me and whispered harshly, "He's here to stay."

"Don't whisper." I smiled innocently. My mum came out of the kitchen and saw us.

My Love // Theo NottWhere stories live. Discover now