twenty six

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When I walked into the gryffindor common room Neville was sitting at a table doing something with a plant. When he saw me he began talking to me about his plant. He seemed genuinely fascinated with the plant so I didn't have the heart to interrupt him so I could go look for the twins. I sat down across from him and listened to him talk.

By the end of the mini lesson he gave me I was somewhat interested in the plant. I had never heard of it, but it seemed like he knew every fact about it.

"What did you come in here for anyways?" he asked curiously.

"I wanted to look for Fred and George. Have you seen them?"

"I think they're in their dorm." I said goodbye to him and went up to their room.

When I walked in they were making something on their desk. When they heard the door open they automatically shielded whatever they were doing with their bodies. When they saw it was me who had walked in they visibly relaxed.

"Next time, knock Rory." said George. I frowned and raised my eyebrows. "Aurora. I'm sorry." he smiled at me.

"What are you guys making?" I asked as I went to go lay down on one of their beds.


"Guess what." I said after a short silence.

"What?" they both asked at the same time, still focused on what they were making.

"I think Draco likes me."

They automatically stopped what they were doing and looked at me. "Like fancies you?" George asked. I nodded my head as I leaned up on my elbows.

Fred started laughing uncontrollably. George was just smiling. "What's so funny?" I was confused on why what I said was so funny.

"Malfoy. Aurora, you have to admit that's a bit funny." said George.

"Why?" My eyebrows were scrunched together out of pure confusion.

"Oh Merlin! Can we tell people?" asked Fred. He was excited for some reason I couldn't fathom.

"What- no! Why do you want to tell people?" I started shaking my head.

"Can we tell people that he has a crush on someone? Not you specifically." Fred was done laughing, but he still had a huge grin on his face.


"You know how he is Aurora." said George. I shook my head so he continued. "He acts like he's better than everyone and this little crush will definitely embarrass him."

"You can't tell anyone." I said sternly. They both began to pout, but I ignored it. "I know how he is with you guys and I'm sorry for his childish behavior, but he's nice to me." I hadn't even realized I was smiling until Fred pointed it out.

"You like him too, don't you?"


"We think you do." said George. I shook my head.

"Did he tell you that he liked you-" The door to their room flew open and our conversation was interrupted. Ron walked in with Harry.

"I caught you!" Ron yelled as the twins tried hiding the pranks they were making. He began trying to get past them to get whatever they were making. When Harry noticed me in the room he went to sit next to me.

We watched Ron try to fight past the twins, but not only were there double people on the twins' side, but they were much taller than Ron.

He eventually gave up and he and Harry left. The rest of the twins' roommates walked in though so I decided to leave.

My Love // Theo NottWhere stories live. Discover now