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The kiss happened so suddenly. I stayed frozen, my eyes wide open looking straight at Theo's eyelids. His eyes were closed and he was waiting for me to respond to the kiss. One of his hands was cupping my cheek and the other was holding his weight on the ground next to me as he leaned towards me.

It took me a while to process what was happening, but once I did, I didn't hesitate to start kissing him back. 

After about two minutes it started getting more intense and I knew it couldn't go farther. I knew that it shouldn't have happened in the first place.

I put my hands onto his chest and pushed him back lightly. Once he realized what I was doing he moved back but kept his hands on my face. We were both breathing heavily. He was smiling while I was shaking my head with a blank expression.

A look of confusion etched itself onto his face, but I didn't have the right words to tell him that that kiss meant nothing to me. At least I don't think it did. So I did the first thing I thought of. I got up and ran away.

Once I was in the corridors and realized Theo wasn't following me I slowed down to a fast paced walk. I took the whole walk down to the dungeons to realize what I had done. I didn't like him in that way and I didn't want to give him false hope. At least I don't think I like him.

When I got back to the common room there were people passed out on the floor and couches. I saw people I didn't know cleaning up so I went up to my dorm. When I walked in everyone was in there.

I had a small feeling they would be, but I still hoped the boys had gone to their own room. When I walked in Elio was in the bathroom with the door wide open, throwing up. Pansy and Draco were still drinking and Blaise was just laying down watching them try to dance. Key word: try.

They were all busy with their own thing except Blaise, so he was the only one watching me come in. He walked towards me, grabbed my arm forcefully and dragged me out of the room. I looked to see if anyone had noticed that we were leaving, but they were all too drunk.

When we were in the hallway I snatched my arm out of his grip. "You could've eased up on the grip." I said.

"When I said that Theo didn't like to drink you should've left it at that." he said through gritted teeth.

"Why are you so mad?" I asked.

"You don't know anything, Aurora. So tell me, where is he?"


"Because I'm more than positive that he's somewhere extremely drunk trying not to keep drinking."

"Why does it matter if he drinks?" I asked, suddenly wary about what he was saying.

"Just tell me where he is." he said, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath to try to calm down.

"Astronomy tower." He started walking away so I followed him. "What's wrong?"

He turned around abruptly and yelled at me to go back to the room. He already looked furious so I did what he said.

It took about an hour for Elio to finally fall asleep. It felt as if I was taking care of a toddler. He had random bursts of energy and if this is how it was to take care of a real kid then I knew I'd never have kids. Pansy and Draco fell asleep a while later. Blaise never came back.


I woke up to Draco shaking me awake. I shooed his hands away and his response to that was to pull my blanket off me.

My Love // Theo NottTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang