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My name is Aurora De Luca, most people call me Rory. My twin brother Elio, we call him Leo, is my best friend. I was 8 the first time I realized I was a witch. Elio was 9. When we got our acceptance letters to Hogwarts we were beyond excited but my mother didn't approve of us attending. We were never sure why, but I never put much thought into it.

She was a single mother taking care of my brother and I in London. We moved to England shortly after my father died in a car crash. That was when I was only 8. We never had any other family on my mum's side so we were on our own.

We were previously living in the U.S. but my mum would be getting paid better in London. She was a nurse and without my dad's salary our income was cut in more than half.

We've never had any magical people in our family, Elio and I were the first ones. When I got used to the idea that we weren't going to go to Hogwarts I accepted it. I think Elio took it really hard though. I remember the night of September 1st, the day we would've started attending school, I heard my brother crying in his room. After about a week he never wanted to talk about it and that's how it was until we were 14.

I was walking the streets of London and found out all about the wizarding world. I discovered diagon alley and all the shops. I was completely dumbfounded when I realized exactly everything I was missing out on.

That night after my mother went to sleep I told my brother all about it. The following day was a Saturday so we didn't have school. That also meant that my mum was working late. I convinced Elio to come with me after mum went to work, it took a bit of bribing with candy bars but he finally gave in.

We traded our muggle money at gringotts and went looking in the shops. We bought strange candy but nonetheless it was delicious.

Later on we found Ollivander's wand shop. We really wanted to learn magic so first we went and bought books. After, we went to buy wands. When we found out how much it was going to cost we were devastated. We had gotten our hopes up and now they were ruined.

When we got home that day Elio gave me the books to keep, he didn't want to see them at all anymore. It was mid October at the time and I had the greatest idea to get a job to be able to buy ourselves wands for either our birthday or Christmas.

I was only 14 so it was a really low paying job. When my mum asked me what I needed the money for I just told her for Christmas presents. I felt bad lying to her, but I swore to myself I'd tell her after we found out if we were any good at magic.

By the time our birthday came around I only had enough money for one wand so I decided to wait for Christmas. On December 23rd, I went to Diagon Alley to buy the wands. When I arrived it was extremely busy.

I was completely unprepared because on previous occasions it was packed but not to the point where I could barely walk inside a shop. I had barely realized then and there that I had never actually seen any wizards and witches my age there. Now that I look back on it, it makes sense, they were all at school.

When I got my money from gringotts and started walking towards Ollivander's, I realized that was the only shop basically empty. When I walked in and asked for two wands I was told it was in the best interest of the owner of it to come in for it. Something about "the wand chooses the wizard".

On my way home for Elio I was still extremely confused but I did as the old man, Ollivander, said to do. When I tried speaking to Elio he completely shut me out. He said "It's only gonna disappoint you again".

When I told him I already had the money and my wand ready at the shop and all I needed was for a wand to choose him he thought I was going insane. He then proceeded to yell at me to leave him alone. The worst part was that my mother was home so his best method to shut me up was to walk into the room she was in.

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