forty five

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Aurora's pov:

For the rest of the time we had at school I spent it with friends of mine who were seventh years.
Mainly the twins and Cedric. Elio hasn't been really bothersome, but I think it's because I've been avoiding hanging out with him.

I left packing till last minute so while everyone is eating breakfast I'm in my dorm room packing.  I threw a lot of things under my bed throughout the months and I didn't realize how many things I had lost that I hadn't realized were missing.

When I finished putting everything away I dragged my trunk down to the common where everyone else's already was.

When I got to the great hall I realized it was almost completely empty. There were few people and among those few people was Ron and Harry. I asked them where everyone was and they told me that everyone had already left to the train. Ron and Harry were still there because apparently they had barely packed their stuff that same morning too.

On our way to the train the three of us talked about what we were doing for the summer. Harry said he was just going to stay with Sirius until his birthday then go with the Weasleys. On the train I said goodbye to them and went to look for Theo and everyone else.

They were towards the back of the train and when I got in, I saw they had already stocked up on food and candy from the trolley. "I went to go look for you." Elio said as he unwrapped a candy.

I sat down next to Blaise. "I went to the great hall."

"For what?" Pansy asked.

"To look for you guys. Ron and Harry were there though. I just walked here with them." I clarified.

"You're still friends with those people?" Draco asked.

I've gotten used to Draco's small insults and remarks towards anyone who isn't slytherin so I answered with a simple yes.

"Want to change?" Blaise asked me. When I looked at him in confusion I saw he meant change seats so I could sit next to Theo. I nodded my head and Draco scoffed.

"I was never like you two are-"

"Shut up, Draco." Theo and I both said at the same time. I laughed at that and put my head on Theo's shoulder. He grabbed my hand and just kept it on his lap. I felt myself start to drift to sleep and I soon stopped hearing everyone around me.


I was woken up by Theo whispering in my ear and nudging me. "We're here. Let's go."

I groaned as I rubbed my eyes. Everyone was already out of the compartment except for us two. "Did everyone already leave?" I asked.

"Yeah. Elio said he was going to get your trunk."

"And yours?" I asked.

"Blaise." When we got off the train I went to the twins to say goodbye while Theo went to go look for everyone.

I was feeling a bit emotional so Fred laughed and whispered, "Come to diagon alley when you get your list for school."

"Also, just write to us. We'll still be staying at the burrow for the majority of the summer." George added. I nodded my head and said goodbye.

I found Theo with my mum and Blaise. When I greeted my mum I tried not to stare at her stomach. Considering she was almost six months along it wasn't surprising how noticeable her pregnancy looked.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked.

"Grabbing their stuff." my mum said.

It felt a bit awkward just standing there with the three of them so I said, "I should probably go get my trunk."

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