World #6: MHA

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Just wanted to say that when I mean to choose I mean the person not the world. Also this idea is a potential book in making but I'm not sure.


Drake: And the one choosing this one will be our favorite Eri.

Eri: Me?

Drake: Yes you Eri, Izuku you can go with her if you want but she's the one who will choose.

Izuku: Come on Eri, let's go.

Eri: Ok.

They went to choose and after a little while of Eri asking what some things meant and izuku explaining what they meant the orbs fused and instead of it shooting into Y/N as usual it floated to Eri and she grabbed it.

Drake: Huh? Well that's new.

Eri understood what she needed to do, because as we know she's not just a ball of sunshine but a smart ball of sunshine, and walked over to Y/N and when she was close she touched his leg with the orb and Y/N and orb dissappeared while Eri and Izuku went back to their seats.

Drake: *snaps fingers and an candy apple appears in front of Eri* So what did she choose?

Izuku: For the world it was called MHA and for power she chose that he could summon people and creatures he met.

Drake: That's a good choice.

The screen then lit up and they could see that it was evening, it was raining and a person who was standing at the edge of the roof looking down.

Nezu: Wait is that?

Drake: Yes, that's Izuku.

A flash of light then a appeared and Izuku turned around only to see Y/N standing behind him. When he turned around everyone could see that he had bruises and bandages on his head.

Kirishima: What happened to mido-bro?

Drake: Bullying and neglect.

Izuku: W-who are y-you.

Y/N: The name's Y/N and I'm here to help you become the greatest hero in the world. Now come with me. You think that you don't have anyone who care about you but what about your sister?

Izuku: What about that bitch? She doesn't care about me! She bullies and beats me up with an excuse of protecting me.

The ones who knew Izuku for most time were shocked that he swore.

Y/N: I'm not talking about Izumi I'm talking about your older sister.

Izuku: Oh, I suppose she would be sad.

Izuku: But I have only one sister.

Drake: I'll explain everything in a minute.

Y/N: Come here, take my hand and I'll explain everything to you. I'll train you and help you become the strongest hero.

After a few minutes of thinking Izuku took his hand and the screen turned black with writing "Training in progress"

Drake: Now while Y/N training that Izuku I'll explain that universe.

Izuku: Please do because as far as I remember I have only one sister.

Drake: So basically in that world exist only Heroes, Villains and quirks. Izuku there is quirkless and that led to him being bullied by his half-sister and class 1-A because for some reason you all knew each other from childhood.

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