World #2: Azur Lane

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Drake: Principal Nezu, please choose an orb.

Nezu: Don't mind if I do.

Drake: While he's choosing. Alexander please explain to Rose what's going on please. *he nods* So Nezu have you chosen?

Nezu: Yes. For the power I chose the so called "Visions" and for the world I choose Azur Lane. (They don't know about visions and nations of shipgirls they know that they exist and fight the siren but they don't know them, well except Nezu because you know, the high IQ and all)

Drake: Interesting. Well then you may take your seat and we'll be starting.

Nezu nods and goes back to his seat. Meanwhile the red and blue orbs merged and turned into a purple one and flew into Y/N as he disappeared. The screen once again turned on and they could see him laying on the beach.

Drake: He should wake up in a minute. Meanwhile do you want me to tell you his tasks now or when he completes one of them?

Hood: After he completes.

Drake: Ok. Also the quick explanation of the world. There are ONLY sirens and shipgirls and that's all.

Y/N: Ugh. God damn, again with the headache. Ok now what are my tasks?....... Ok understood.

???: Who are you and what are you doing here.

He turned around and saw Enterprise standing there with her riggings out pointing her bow at him. Behind her was Bismarck and Yamato.

As the audience saw them they turned to Yamato in the theater.

Sirzech: Ms.Yamato are you-

Yamato: Shipgirl? Yes, and a leader of Sakura Empire, pleasure to meet you. Now let's continue watching.

Y/N: It's kinda complicated.

Yamato: Then try to explain.

Y/N: Ok so there are a person called Author and because he's bored he decided that he will send me to random worlds with 3 tasks. Your world is 2nd.

Bismarck: You think we'll believe you?

Yamato: He's telling the truth.

Enterprise: Yamato?!

Yamato: I didn't feel any lies. A question what is this accessory on your hip?

Y/N looks down and sees a vision of Pyro on his left hip.

Y/N: This is a power of Pyro, but we call them visions. My name's Y/N by the way. And no need to introduce yourselves I know your names.

Yamato: Interesting.

Enterprise: Then what are your tasks?

Y/N: Sorry but I can't tell you. Or I can tell you if one of you wins a bet against me.

Bismarck: And the bet is?

Y/N: Let's do this. I'll tell you that I can do something and you bet against it. Against Enterprise, I bet that I can create giant water water whale. Bismarck, that I can create a fire bird. Yamato, that I can bring the giant three of Sakura that is currently dying.

Enterprise/Bismarck: Deal.

Yamato: How do you know that?

Y/N: Turn around. It's go big that I can see it from here and it doesn't look so good.

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