Q&A///Family tree

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Author: Ok so here I am. Making the Q&A. You wrote me the questions and I shall answer them.


1st. Question from LogandavidSpurgeon

Q: Wanna know how I got these scars?

A: No, I do not.


2nd. Question from Inkling62

Q: Do we have any other crazy family tree members other than the vampire Alexander and grandpa God of War?

A: I wouldn't call them crazy, more like badass. But you'll see when you read this chapter further.

3rd. Question once again from Inkling62

Q: How did you meet Goku?

A: I assume you meant how Y/N met Goku. And you meant him in the training journey AKA The Great Training Montage.


4th. Question from Ultrakid2020

Q: Can you do a Halo chapter?

A: I'm sorry but I cannot. I know almost nothing about Halo, I know a little big but that's all. I also know some characters and that's all.


5th. Question from Godslayer-sama

Q: Y/N as the dick wizard Merlin.

A: I do not know what you wanted to say here. But I'll assume you asked if I'll make the chapter where Y/N will be the dick wizard. Then no, I won't. But if it's not what you meant then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


6th and last. Question from angry_lumine

Q: Can you do a chapter in where Y/N goes to Teyvat? His power shall be ungodly amount of luck.

A: Maybe I'll do I after the next chapter. The idea sounds really interesting so I'll try to write it.


That's all the questions. Now onto the chapter. :D


Drake: Now before we continue I have decided to reveal Y/N family tree on his father's side because it has a big amount of unique people. The pictures of how they look like will be displayed on the screen.

Y/N/Alexander: Oh no.

Yasaka: Why oh no all of a sudden?

Y/N: Because all of you will be terrified when you see who our family is. Yes most of them are dead but I got their powers after I left Union, and they trained me and I mastered them.

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