Funny/cool moments

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After Ozpin and Y/N woke up.

Glynda: Headmaster what did you see.

Ozpin: Literal hell. And trust me Glynda you DON'T want to know.

Drake: Ok now let's start with some funny moments that happened with some members of "The Boys" and some other people.

The screen lits up and they can see John and Y/N walking while talking.

John: I'm telling you I saw the guy named Qrow turn into the literal crow that had pixel sunglasses. *notices a random crow* There look, that might be him.

Y/N: Let's check. *looks at the crow* Every time I'm in the street I hear.

Crow(Qrow): CAW CAW CAW CAW. *pixel sunglasses appear and he flies away*

Y/N: Ok that's definitely Qrow.

Akali: Where did you get the sunglasses? Teach me.

Qrow: Sorry kid. Secret of the crow.

Drake: Ok next.

On the screen ve can see Valerie peacefully sleeping in the bed when Vali walks into the room holding a big mirror.

Vali: I remember this one.

He puts the mirror in front of her and nudges her. She wakes up and sees herself in the mirror. She screams and shoots a very powerful fireball at Vali and explosion happens. The camera then shows Kiba casually working at the grocery store. Then suddenly Vali crushes through the roof.

Vali: *in pain* *sees Kiba* Hey Kiba.

Kiba: Hey Vali. How's your day going?

Vali: In pain.

Valerie: You deserved it.

Vali: I still don't know how did you manage to launch me straight to that shop.

Belfast: How far is it from your house?

Vali: It's on the other side of Union city.

Belfast: That's a really long fly.

Arlo: But why didn't you fly. You have wings if I remember.

Vali: I was unconscious and woke up when I crashed.

Drake: Next.

The scene changes to the gym in Union where we can see the boys playing dodge ball.

Nezu: How did you get inside?

Mercury: You have a really shitty security. And the window was open.

The door to the gym then opens and some boys from class 1-A and 1-B walk inside and join them.

All Might: Why didn't you stop them?

Kirishima: It looked like they were having fun so we decided to join.

Tetsutetsu: Yea. You should have seen what Y/N did.

The scene then changes and now there are only Y/N and Azazel left. Azazel throws the ball at Y/N but he backflips over it and throws the ball at Azazel which hits him. (Y/N is the guy who backflips)

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