Chapter 9

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You finally have the chance to visit Rick, and things end on a different note than expected.


Hi everybody! I have been having so much fun writing this fic! I have decided to try and do a new chapter every week on Fridays to keep myself accountable! I hope you enjoy.

Chapter Text

It was a particularly sunny day, and you stood by Beth as you watched Rick caress his newborn daughter. You smiled, he finally seemed peaceful, at least more peaceful than he had been. You knew that he would never be the same after this great loss… But you were glad to see him looking a little better. The hot Georgia sun beat down on you, and even the flowy white top you were wearing felt too hot. Rick handed Lil’ Asskicker back to Carl, and began walking towards the prison gates. You felt confused for a minute, what did he see that you didn’t. Carl walked towards you and handed you the newborn, he started following his father. You went to pass the baby to Beth, putting your hand on the shotgun which laid on your hip.
“It’s okay.” You said to Beth, when she looked hesitantly at you.
You woke up early in the morning, and lifted your head up. Rick was nearly at the gate when you saw her. A tall woman with dreadlocks, holding her hand to the gate. She easily could have passed as a walker, but you saw the life in her eyes. She had a sword strapped to her back.
You noticed a walker move to attack her, and saw as she began to fight back. She looked strong. You got to where Carl was standing, and watched as the walkers moved in on her. The young boy fired his gun, killing one of the walkers. You joined him, and finally so did Rick. When the space was cleared Rick opened up the gate, and you hurried with him to pick up the woman, who was now on the ground. You ran inside with her, grabbing towels for her to lie down on. She had been shot.
“Who are you?” Rick asked, and the woman grabbed for her sword. He swiftly kicked it away and you picked it off from the ground. Holding it tight.
“Rick?” Asked Daryl. His voice echoed in the still mostly empty prison.
“Who the hell is this?”
“You want to tell us your name?” Rick asked the woman.
You looked towards Daryl and just gave him a light shrug.
“Y’all come on in here... “ Daryl said to the group
“Is everything alright?” You asked him.
“You’re gonna want to see this.”
You were confused about what Daryl might be showing you so urgently, but excited nonetheless. You followed him into the cell block, hearing the door lock as Carl turned the key, locking the woman inside the cafeteria by herself. You followed Daryl into a cell, and your eyes widened as you saw Carol. Alive, sitting on a bunk bed. She looked extremely beaten down, and exhausted. But it was Carol. She smiled, and embraced Rick. They hugged tightly. You went next, she pushed your hair slightly out of your eyes in a comforting manner.
“Poor thing fought her way into a cell.” Daryl explained, and Hershel embraced Carol.
“Thank God.” You said.
You stood next to Daryl now, and wrapped your arm around him. The two of you watched as Carol's expressions from seeing the new baby went from joy, to sadness. You squeezed a now crying Carls shoulder, and rested your head on Daryl’s. For a moment, everything seemed perfect. But then you remembered the woman in the other room. The sword that you were carrying, and the mysterious basket of formula she carried. After the moment was over, Rick, Herschel, Daryl, and Carl walked back to the woman to ask her some questions. You sat down beside Carol, and watched with warmth as she held the baby girl.
“Whats her name?” Carol asked you.
The baby cooed
“We don’t know yet… Daryls been calling her lil’ ass kicker.”
Carol laughed slightly.
“We’ve gotta change that before it starts catching on.”
Carol sighed, looking at you now with great sadness.
“So what happened?”
Tears began to fall from both of your eyes as you explained how Lori had gone into labour. How she was bleeding and could not safely have a natural birth. How Carl, Maggie, and you were with her. And how you had to end up performing the C-section yourself. Carol placed her arm on your back as you told her the story. She gasped quietly when you told her that ultimately it was Carl who ended up taking her down. You told her about the extreme guilt which you carried. How you felt like you could have helped Lori. How you thought Rick would resent you forever.
“You did what you had to do.” Carol reassured you.
“Everybody knew how risky her pregnancy was.” she added.
You wiped your tears with your elbow.
“You did the right thing.”
Before the two of you could finish talking, Rick and Daryl returned inside of the cell block. You stood, waiting to hear the story.
“She saw Glenn and Maggie get taken. She knows where they went to… a town called Woodburry, a few miles away from the prison.”
“How do you even know you can trust her?” Asked Oscar.
“This is Maggie and Glenn. Why are we even debating?” Beth asked, placing her hands on her hips.
“We aint, I’ll go after them” Daryl said.
“Well this place sounds pretty secure. You can't go alone” Rick responded.
“I’ll go.” Beth said.
You were surprised at first, this seemed extremely out of character for the young girl. Then again, it was her sister.
“Me too.” You responded.
The two prisoners who were left also agreed to go. It was ultimately decided that you, Rick, Daryl, Oscar, and Michonne would go. You and the group said your goodbyes, and headed into the unknown.

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