Chapter 2

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It is the readers first day in the sanctuary. As the day unfolds the reader remembers her first few days with the Atlanta group and the first time she met Rick.


Okay... so just to let you know the first person slang in case you're new... y/n means your name!
Also I am switching from present to past in the story, I won't be doing too much flashbacks but i want to focus on the most important parts of the reader and Ricks story especially since the reader is with the saviors and separated from Rick! I hope you guys are liking this story!

Chapter Text

As the truck drove with you in the back of it you couldn't see anything. You began to relive your first moments with the group.


"Can I bump a smoke?" You asked Daryl. You had just found the group in the quarry and didn't mend to anyone. You had lost your whole family. Everyone in the group pitied you and treated you like a child, everyone except for Daryl.
"You smoke?" Daryl laughed, rolling his eyes.
You pressed your lips together
"Sometimes." You shrugged off
"Ain't you too young to smoke?" Daryl asked, hesitating.
"What are you? My mom? Just give me a goddamn cigarette."
Dixon grumbled and it handed to you. You took a small drag and exhaled the smoke.
"what are you thinking about the group?" You asked him.
"Dunno, why?" He asked.
"I only just joined. People here don't seem like they can handle themselves. Don't understand the way the world works." You took another drag. Before Daryl could answer the two of you were interrupted by a noise coming from the woods. You grabbed the rainbow knife from your belt ready to stab a walker. Daryl also lifted up his crossbow, finger on the trigger. However the figure that came from the woods wasn't a walker.
"God dammit ladys, relax." A familiar voice laughed.
"Merle." Daryl sighed in relief.
"Darlina, y/n... what are you two chit chattin about?" Merle smiled.
"Askin Daryl what he thinks about this place." You answer.
"Well... you don't like it here?"
Laughed Merle.
"Gotta few problems with it."
"Really? Like what?"
You look another drag, trying to plan your problems.
"Not enough security... nobody seems to know what they're doin when they kill these things. Don't know how to feed themselves. And our so-called leader is always too busy fucking Lori to take care of the group." You answer.
"Damn kid, you've got quite the mouth on you." Said Daryl.
"I'm not a kid Daryl." You say, showing your strength.
"No you ain't. And y/n I've got some news for you. Me and my baby brother are gonna find the right time. We're gonna rob this place dry and get the hell outta here. You in?"
"I'm in."
The truck stopped. It seemed to be about ten minutes before the doors opened, the bright sun filled in the darkness and made you feel blinded.
"Come on out." Said the blond guy with blond hair. You think you remember his name being Dwight.
You stepped you slowly, your eyes began to adjust to the sunlight.
Dwight grabbed you by your wrists and but you in handcuffs. He began to walk you into the giant compound.

"So how are we gonna do it?" You asked Daryl as you walked through the woods, stalking a deer.
"Ain't that difficult y/n"
"I just want to know-"
"Listen, I ain't takin you if you keep asking me all this shit. Now shut up and hunt."
The two of you continued walking through the woods.

"Son of a bitch. That's my deer! Look at it. All gnawed on by this... Filthy, disease-bearing, motherless poxy bastard!"
You jumped back as Daryl shouted violently. As Daryl complained about loosing the deer you locked eyes with someone new, someone you'd never seen before. He was in a white shirt, and his face was very pale, almost looking sick. He had curly brown hair and piercing blue eyes. Before you spoke you noticed that the decapitated walker had begun to make noises from its head.
"Come on people, it's gotta be the brains... y'all know nothing?" Daryl snarled, shooting an arrow into the walkers scull. You followed him back to camp, breaking eye contact with the new man in the group. Daryl called for Merle and you slowed down, noticing everyone was staring at Daryl. Shane, who was walking behind you put his large hand on your back trying to stop you from moving any further.
"Daryl, why don't you slow down? We need to talk."
"About what?" Asked Daryl as he finally noticed the eyes on him.
"About Merle... there was an accident in Atlanta."
You stopped breathing for a second, preparing for the worst.
"Is he dead?" Daryl asked
"We're not sure." Shane answered.
At this you began preparing yourself to have to run or fight. You knew that Daryl's temper could escalate quickly.
"There's no easy way to say this so I just will." The newcomer said.
He walked towards Daryl. He looked strong and confident.
"Who are you?"
"Rick grimes."
"Rick grimes... there something you wanna say to me?"
"Your brother was a danger to us all. So I handcuffed him to on a roof and hopped him on a piece of metal. He's still there" Rick said.
You could see rage building inside of Daryl. You knew that you had to decide what to do in this situation.
Daryl began pacing around.
"Alright so let me process this... you're saying you handcuffed my brother to a roof and left him there?" Daryl asked in disbelief.
Without warning Daryl threw the squirrels at Rick, he was instantly tackled by Shane.
Knowing Daryl was your only friend in the group you instantly ran to protect him, trying to pull Shane away from him. Shane pulled back from Daryl, who got up with his knife drawn. Seeing that Shane was about to tackle Daryl you moved at him, trying to stop him. However the bigger man pulled against you and accidentally elbowed you in the jaw, causing you to let out a small scream and fall to the ground. You stood up as Daryl was going being pulled down by Shane in choke hold. When you went and tried to stop the older man you felt a tight grip on your wrists.
It was the newcomer, Rick. He held onto you with full force, making sure you wouldn't escape from his grasp. You looked at him over your shoulder.
"If I let you go will you try anything stupid?" He asked.
You shook your head. The man paused before letting go of you. The man brought his hand steadily to your face.
Being elbowed in the jaw hurt like hell, and you could already tell that there was bruising. You could also feel slight blood trickling from it.
"you alright?" He asked
You moved away from his hand, and walked away from the scene.
"Never better."

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