pot o' gold

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Kurt had called his sister over fifty times already when she finally picked up. Kurt placed a hand on his heart when he heard her voice, relieved she wasn't dead. "Florence Louise Hummel!" He yelled, "Where on earth are you?!  You didn't come home last night!"

"Jeez man, calm down" Florence's voice sounded through the phone, "I was with Puck. Turn around" She spoke, noticing Kurt was a few feet away from her.

Kurt spun around quickly, almost loosing his balance as he did so. He made his way over to his sister and started rambling.

"Where were you? I was worried sick! Dad asked where you was but since I didn't know, I lied and told him you were at Quinn's!" He loudly spoke, making a few people in the hallway turn their head. a few seconds later he seemed to realize what his sister said.

"Wait, what do you mean, you were with Puck? Did you spend the night with him?" He questioned, trying to look Florence in the eyes even though she was trying her hardest to dodge his gaze.

Kurt snapped his fingers, finally getting his sisters attention. "Please tell me that doesn't mean what I think it does" He whispered, a disgusted expression entering his face at the thought.

"Ew, no. We didn't do anything" Florence lied.

Kurt let out a relieved sigh and continued his walk down the hallway, yanking the tired girl with him. When they passed Brittany, Florence noticed she was talking to someone unfamiliar. After freeing herself from her brother, she made her way over to them.

Florence looked the boy up and down. The green top hat he was wearing reminded her of leprechauns. Brittany smiled at her and waved her over. Florence took a stand beside her.

"This is my friend, Florence. We went to prom together" The cheerleader smiled. Florence waved at the boy and he reached out his hand.

"My name is Rory" The boy smiled, introducing himself since Brittany didn't look like she was planning to. Florence shook his hand, smiling at his accent. A few football players passed them, one of them gave Rory's hat a tick, making it drop on the floor.

Brittany's jaw dropped. "Wait... Other people can see you?" She whispered so only Rory and Florence could hear her. "But only because you let them see you, right?"

Florence chuckled and send Rory a look that said "I don't know either" He seemed to understand and just nodded in agreement.

"That's right" He spoke. Finn was staring at them from across the hall, so Florence sent him the same look she had sent Rory. He turned back around and seemed very focussed on his locker.

"I've thought about it a lot, and I know what I want as my first wish" Brittany suddenly spoke. Even Florence was at loss for what was happening now and just decided to listen to whatever she was about to say. "Your magical race, they make my favorite cereal, Lucky Charms. I really wish that you would make me a box of Lucky Charms with only marshmallows"

"You're in luck" Rory smiled. Florence couldn't get over how cute his accent was, and she caught herself staring at the boy. "Lucky the Leprechaun happens to be my cousin.  And he lives two toadstools down"

Brittany grew a big smile on her face. "Thank you!" She squealed. She got onto her tiptoes and planted a kiss onto Rory's cheek. "Though I don't understand most of what you just said" She added. After closing her locker, she walked away, leaving a blushing Rory behind.

"You're just doing  this to get into Brit's pants, aren't you?" Florence smiled. Rory quickly shook his head, but the girl didn't believe him.

A group of jocks passed them, shoving Rory into the lockers. "Go back to Mexico!" They yelled. Rory just sighed, apparently having gotten used to the way things went at McKinley High in his short time he had been at the school.

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