Making Moves - 18

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"So, I've seen you enter my house plenty of times," Kyotoku said, referencing Momo with a nod of his head. "Who are you?" As the question left her father's mouth, Kyouka couldn't help but wish that she had gotten Momo out of the door much faster. Had she done that, her father wouldn't have practically forced Momo to stay for dinner.

Kyouka stuffed rice into her mouth, refusing to speak. She inaudibly groaned, desperately praying to the gods above to take her out of her misery now. This was already embarrassing enough. Using eating as an excuse wouldn't work forever. Especially not when Momo seemed to send her a questioning stare, as if she was asking her why her dad didn't know about her.

Momo seemed to straighten up in her seat at the mention of her name. It was as if, with a turn of a knob, a different mode of Momo appeared. "I apologize Kyouka's father," Momo humbly apologize. "My name is Momo Yaoyorozu. I'm a friend of your daughter."

"Friend?" Kyotoku questioned. He raised an eyebrow at Kyouka, who simply looked the other way. Though he didn't miss the rise of pink in his daughter's cheeks.

"Yes, friend," Momo smiled awkwardly. "She's a kind individual." The added afterthought made Momo want to dash out the window. The only thing stopping her was the fact it was her crush's father. Experience with parties with high-esteemed individuals and awkward small talk weren't helping her as much as she originally thought.

"I see," Kyotoku said, only pausing to swallow his food. "How did you two meet each other?"

Kyouka took over that question for her. Had their meeting been under normal circumstances, this would've been much easier. "We met through school." Kyotoku quirked an eyebrow, practically telling his daughter to elaborate. "We sent each other letters through our lockers. I accidentally put a note in her locker thinking it was Denki's."

Kyotoku simply stared at Kyouka, a look of confusion on his face. "Usually you're not this stupid."

Momo's hand went to her mouth as she muffled a giggle. Kyouka could only sigh as she continued eating, refusing to acknowledge her father's side comment. Today was going to be a long day.


"Fuck, she's getting along perfectly with my father." The thought wasn't spoken aloud, but was loud enough in her head to feel like she could hear it.

Family was always an important aspect of Kyouka's life, so she always saw it natural for her parents to like who she likes. Because of their close-knit relationship, Kyouka always wanted her future partner to feel like a part of the family. So as she watched her dad and Momo discuss even the most mundane topics, she couldn't stop the way her heart longed even more for Momo. Forget being doomed because Kyouka felt like a goner.

"So you've played the piano before," Kyotoku said. "That's quite nice. The piano was the first instrument I ever learned to play. Are you still playing?"

"No," Momo nodded 'no' as she spoke. "It's been so long I'm not even sure if I'll be able to play a full song completely."

Kyouka tuned out of their conversation again. How Momo even had a genuine conversation with her father was beyond her. Her brain flickered from paying attention to getting lost in her thoughts. Occasionally she’d add a side comment, which mainly only happened when her dad tried telling some embarrassing stories about her. Only did she fully pay attention when her dad got up from the table, dismissing himself to go to the bathroom.

Fuck, he left her alone with Momo. Kyouka couldn't help the betrayed feeling she felt as her dad exited the room.

Kyouka secretly glanced at Momo from her side of the table. Gulping, she forced some confidence to shine through as she opened her mouth.

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