Gentle Realization - 10

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To: K.J.
1st Period

K with all due respect, I'm certain you've encountered your own fair share of embarrassing thoughts. It's okay if you want to "fly high like a butterfly." Oh my, I can't even deny it, but I laughed as I read that. It sounds similar to me somehow. Perhaps it's the type of dialogue you'd hear in those cheesy, uplifting videos? I'm not confident in that answer though, so bear with me.

I'm sure you don't get slower as you age. There's a possibility your body was just used to a lot more physical activity in high school when compared to now. I did nothing major to get faster, it just kind of happened. I know the answer is going to sound annoying, but it is the truth. Although, a tip I remember from one of my teachers back in middle school was that when you feel like walking, speed walk. I remember doing that and I ended up jogging instead.

I'm quite satisfied with being viewed as an interesting person. Though, it’s possible to have an interesting conversation about the weather. For example, my favorite season is Spring and Summer. How about you? I love the way Spring looks and I like how relaxing and free the Summer is.

- Y.M.


Kyouka bit her lip as she tapped her pen against her desk. Rather than writing a brief reply during passing periods, Kyouka opted to take the letter with her to her second class. With the additional time she'd have, without neglecting her studies too much, she contemplated in what way she could make the letters longer. It irked her and when stuff bothered her; she was used to resolving it as fast as possible to avoid any added stress. In this situation, it differed from any music piece she'd be writing or any English papers to be due. This was someone else's feelings. Someone else's feelings she didn't even know the half of.

Writing out some miscellaneous stuff to only erase it again seemed to be a common pattern. Though, Kyouka saw herself writing about stuff she'd never consider sharing with someone else. She wrote about stuff that was relatively mundane and not striking enough in hindsight. Yet, she couldn't help the rise in her heart or the smile spreading on her lips as she wondered what type of response she'd get.

"Kyouka Jirou, we're supposed to be reading aloud from the textbook. What are you writing down? Would you like to share it with the class?"

"Nothing! It won't happen again!"


To: Y.M.
3rd Period

Of course, you'd laugh at my embarrassing thought. It's not like I blame you, because I'd do the same, but god sometimes the things that go through my brain are just a complete mess. If you were to look in my brain, it'd probably be an unorganized place of many destinations. I don't think cheesy uplifting videos are quite the fit. It seems more like something you'd see on a kid's show.

You're correct, that answer does sound annoying. It reminds me of when I was in grade school and I would get so pissed when someone got a higher grade than me when they didn't study at all. Though, it probably has something to do with me having a lot more energy in high school. Thanks for the tip! I'll keep it in mind the next time I may have to run a mile.

I think our definitions of interesting aren't the same if you find the weather, of all things, interesting. To answer your question, though, I don't really care about the seasons. I will say that I'm a lot more fond of the winter cold rather than the hot summer. Plus Spring is way too wet for me so I definitely prefer Fall over that.

This might seem a bit random, but something happened to me the other day on my way home. The thing with me is that sometimes I may sing unknowingly after humming for a while. I ended up unknowingly singing until this random guy who passed me just handed me some money. I literally didn't even realize I’d been singing until he said something along the lines of "good singing."

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