Louder Feelings - 8

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"Dear K.J.," Ochako said out loud as she wrote the words down on the piece of paper. "My name is Momo Yaoyorozu and my address is-"

"Address?!" Momo interrupted. "Ochako when I told you about my letters with K., I only asked for help in letting her know I wish to learn of her identity. What's all this about?"

Ever since Momo let her heart out and let K.J. see her insecurity she'd rather not ponder on two days ago, she grew curious as to who K.J. truly was. That feeling from before on how good it felt to write to someone anonymously was outweighed by the ever-growing curiosity on who was behind the letter.

"Well," Ochako began. "If you're going to take forever with this girl I thought why not skip a couple of steps to get to the end result already."

"End result?" Her head tilted in confusion.

"It's nothing," she said. "I just thought if we skipped a step or two you'd be able to let K.J. into this part of your life." Ochako referenced Momo's luxurious room with her hands.

"She knows this part," Momo said, stealing the paper from Ochako as she wrote it as any other reply. "But at times I don't think she realizes how big it truly is, because this is really a lot compared to your place."

"No kidding."

Ochako glanced at the piece of paper to see a random topic being replied to, one she has no knowledge of since Momo kept K.J.'s letters private and only told her of what she's like. "You're not asking to meet up with her? How come?"

"I don't want to possibly stress her out like I did the last time. I'll wait for whenever she brings it up." Momo smiled as she continued her reply, an unconscious yet common feeling when she wrote back. "After all, Itsuka has told me to let life take its course more often."

"I guess so," Ochako turned back to her unfinished homework that was due today. "I hope you get to meet her soon nonetheless because you seem happier ever since those letters came about."

"I am happier," Momo admitted with a smile.

Ochako glanced at Momo, seeing a gentle smile on her face as she continued writing. She'd occasionally stop to ponder on her words or erase a sentence, yet during each moment there was this sense of peace. A moment where she seemed to be in a world of her own, far from others. At one point she giggled, her hand over her mouth as if she tried suppressing it. During another, she tapped her pencil against the table mumbling the words back to herself. Her focused state ceased only when her letter was finished, a satisfied smile on her face.

"Why are you staring at me?" Momo asked. "Is there something on my face?"

"It's nothing," She paused as her eyes slightly widened in realization. "It's just that, I've never seen you like this before. I've never seen you so dedicated to something as you are to this letter."

"It was so sudden," Her voice was hesitant as she grew unsure at what Ochako was getting at. Something she felt she'd have to ponder over later. "But I just enjoy writing to her, and I hope she does too."

Hope was evident in Momo's eyes as a goofy smile settled on her face as she looked at the folded letter.

"I'm sure she does," Ochako smiled. "There's no way she doesn't if her letters are as long as yours."

A brief pause filled the air when it was suddenly cut off by a sigh.

"Ochako I feel like this letter is missing something"

"What do you mean?"

"Look at how plain it looks, it's just a folded piece of paper."

"You stress over this after however many letters?"

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