New Lock - 3

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Momo went back to her locker by the sixth period, as it was her free period. She truly never expected a reply back from the stranger, but as she opened her locker a note fell out. The moment she read the note she found the playful teasing quite entertaining, and couldn't help but lightly smile at the note. "They play the bass, huh," Momo quitely mused out loud, before backtracking and focusing on the mention of a new lock. Momo noticed what seemed like genuine panic over the fact that Momo might've got into her locker. As she realized that they weren't comfortable with someone knowing their combination, Momo decided that she would buy the stranger a new lock for them after school. Momo pocketed the note and walked to the library for some studying, but not before setting a reminder on her phone for the new lock.

As classes slowly droned by, the last bell finally rang. Momo got up from her seat and walked out the door. Her phone vibrated against the pocket of the skirt in the school uniform, and the moment she checked the notification she was reminded of the errand she had to run. She waved off to Ochako, with whom she shared last period, and walked to her locker before exiting the school to go to the store.


"Why are you home late Momo?" Momo's head maid asked as Momo entered the gate leading to her house.

"I'm so sorry I forgot to tell you guys, but I had an errand to run," Momo lifted the plastic bag holding the lock.

The head maid only nodded before briefly checking the contents of the bag out of curiosity. "Did your lock break Momo? I could've easily bought you a new lock if that was the case."

"It didn't, it's a lock for my...," Momo paused as she tried identifying what the relationship she had with the stranger was.



The next morning after Kendo left for student council duties, Momo immediately went straight to locker 7H. She slipped in the note she had pre-written the night before (admittedly she had lost track of how much she had written) and got out a mini box and tape from her pocket. She placed the mini box the lock came in, in the hole where the lock usually sits. She taped the box to stay in place, ignoring the way the stranger's current lock awkwardly hung to the side on top of the box. "Surely no one will steal a lock from a locker, they have no point in doing so," Momo said to herself quietly, before walking in the direction of her History class.


As promised I didn't go through your locker. I hope you like the new lock, though! (I hope you had received it if someone stole it that's admittedly stupid). I debated just putting the new lock inside your locker but realized that would go against everything you wanted. Don't worry about paying me back or anything like that. I had plenty of money to spare. I didn't want you thinking someone could easily get into your locker at any time, so a new lock was the best way to solve this.

Has your textbook situation been figured out though? I'm pretty sure I forgot to mention this in my last note but please remember to bring your textbook to school next time.

What's so wrong with following the rules, isn't it natural to do so? I mean they are put in place for a reason. Like the rule of not sharing your lock combination with anyone is only put in place to avoid stealing incidents. It reminds me of how my friend had her PE clothes stolen once before.

I only signed with my initials as I saw it as common courtesy. Wouldn't you like a note to be signed if someone sent it to you anonymously? Besides, a name seemed way too proper for a complete stranger, so initials seemed like the best fit.

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