Passing Time - 4

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To: K.J.
1st Period (this way we can decipher time and such)

You were correct, good morning! If my deductions are right it should be about the second period for you by the time you see this.

The chain will most likely stop when we meet in real life. Actually, we could've met but we’re most likely not close since I (quite frankly) have no idea who owned that locker beforehand. 

So you have Anakuro-sensei for math? I have Ishiyama-sensei so yes, the teacher for advanced math. Anakuro-sensei also only teaches first year so we're probably in the same grade. My least favorite subject of mine is physics, whereas my most favorite subject is English. Yamada-sensei is an extremely good teacher and makes the subject entertaining.

Sometimes the things in life that are viewed as good deeds, should just be the bare minimum. I feel like this says a lot about society as a whole.

Doing something with no direct plan sounds thrilling. I don't know why but I feel like if I were to do that, I would end up keeping some mental list. I like keeping things planned and being organized, it helps me sort my brain out in a way. If you panic over what to do, making some sort of plan or an idea would probably benefit you greatly. Maybe not listing what times to do things at, but just listing multiple places you can go to. As for me, my parents are more on the strict side, but they do it because they care. I would do it at some point, but it's a bit hard when I have multiple people watching over me. Despite being an adult I'll most likely be expected to ask them still, but ever since becoming an adult they do trust me more. Nonetheless, I hope you get to be free and do something with no sense of direction soon K. (Even if that won't be with some "ugly stingy boy")

- Y.M.


It was time to do an activity with a partner in math. Naturally, Denki and Kyouka ended up being groupmates. This typically translated to Denki giving his two cents, Kyouka figuring it out and finishing it quickly, and Denki 'discreetly' copying it. All Kyouka wanted to do was read the letter that laid in her pocket. Kyouka opened the letter and covered the paper with her arm, as the teacher could be watching at any time. As Kyouka read it to herself she didn't know why she didn't expect Denki to do the same.

"She wants to meet you, isn't that cool?" Denki asked, keeping his volume down so as to not draw attention to the two of them.

"I get wanting to meet her like I'm curious too, but I barely know her and stuff so y'know?" Kyouka's gaze shifted up briefly, before going back down to read the rest of the letter. She pointedly ignored the anxiety over meeting a new person.

"Its been like 2 letters, you can go decipher whatever the hell you want to do later on."

"True, I still barely know this chick," Kyouka shrugged her shoulders, as she shoved Denki away after he got too close.

"Damn, not letting me read it anymore?"

"Get someone to write dumb letters to and maybe I will." Kyouka teased, sticking her tongue out towards Denki.

"Oh crap," Kyouka said, louder than she expected. "She's in advanced math and physics. Honestly, I'm scared to find out the rest of M's schedule."

"Bro, she was smart enough to enter an advanced math course and smart enough to pass through chemistry," Denki said, looking at Kyouka in astonishment. "Whoever the fuck is behind that locker is the biggest nerd alive."

"Although, if she's in that many advanced classes that must mean me and her don't see each other much," Kyouka mumbled to herself as she deduced some things about the stranger.

"You know you don't have to do this many deductions if you just ask for them through the letter," Denki said, blatantly stating the obvious. "Or better yet be normal and just give her your phone number."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Right now I'm pretty sure this letter thing is just to pass time to the both of us. It's not like we're best friends or anything. I just seriously don't see the point in meeting someone who I'll most likely stop sending letters to in like three days," Kyouka shrugged her shoulders as her uncaring tone slipped out, as she tended to keep things real. "Also I'll give her my number if she gives me her number, I'm not making any moves on any stranger."

"I'm going to place bets with Mina that you and M will end up closer than you expected!" Denki stated, confidence oozing out as he gave Kyouka a goofy grin.

"Yeah," She scoffed, chuckling silently at Denki's antics. "Good luck with that."


To: Y.M.
3rd Period

Our lockers are nearby-ish so we probably saw a mere glance at most I'm guessing. I say that because, quite frankly, M we have completely different schedules. All of my classes are normal except for one. Basically, I'm in a situation where I'm too smart for normal classes but too dumb for the advanced classes.

Oh geez, you're a complete nerd. By the way don't take that as an insult because calling someone a nerd is deadass just saying "hey you're smart," so I don't really get how someone can even turn it into an insult. We have the same teacher for English, but I'm guessing different periods since I'm actually in the advanced class for English. Yamada-sensei is such a great teacher though and is definitely my favorite teacher. I just love his energy and how he actually seems like he wants to teach the subject. Basically the teachers that give a shit.

Honestly, a pretty solid idea. Thanks, M! Mental list of good places around the area is probably a smarter thing to do anyway, since there's a chance of getting lost and shit. I hope you get your chance too because, with all the advanced classes you're in, you deserve it the most out of the both of us. If I were to do it I'd probably go with one of my guy friends or just my whole friend group in general. Honestly, if it's the whole friend group that'd be good since I hadn't had the chance to spend some time recently with some of them. You know how schedules can be. What do you think? Would you want to be free with someone?

- K.J.

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