Fuck Detention - 6

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To: Y.M.
4th Period

I'm not saying it's lame or that your music tastes suck, I just found it genuinely funny. People who listen to classical music have always given me some weird vibe to envision. I know for a fact it's not just me so don't you dare start there. It's just that when someone tells me their taste is classical music, I envision a woman of history in how dresses used to be. You know with the corset around the waist and some hat that resembles the corsage I got for my senior prom.

Before you ask, because I know you will, you didn't miss out on anything by not attending prom. Prom is overrated and half the people you see in high school went across the country for university, so it's not like you're missing out on much. People dance and try to sneak in a bottle of wine, just how prom is. For my senior prom experience I went with a yellow idiot I call my best friend. Prom is no fun if you go with a date. I know people will disagree with me but it is 10x better to go with a friend than a date. With a date for prom, you're worrying about your appearance and you worry about overstepping boundaries. Whereas if you go with a friend you chill by the drinks and wear a dumb onesie, because no one cares.

Thank fucking god you agree with me on group projects. I'm convinced group projects are secretly just a spawn from hell, disguised as a dumb task. One time I was doing a group project with this guy and he spent the majority of it flirting with his girlfriend. Like, get your tongue out of her throat because this is History and I don't think Ito Hirobumi appreciates that. In all seriousness though, in group projects, I'm rather quiet and I seriously hate that. I wish I just spoke up, you know. I have good ideas and I genuinely know what can make it better but sometimes it's so hard when everyone is just speaking over you and writing things down. That's if the groups are random anyway, but if you get to choose your own groups I always end up with the same dumb idiot. You didn't hear it from me but he's 10x a better groupmate than most people. Sure he's not the brightest, but he actually listens to me. (You may have no idea who he is but still don't tell him I said that).

- K.J.


"So you're telling me Kyouka has been writing to some anonymous chick for about a week?" Sero questioned, giving Kyouka a teasing smile. "Who knew your type was anonymous girls who are probably lying about their identity."

"She isn't lying about her identity!" Kyouka interjected, throwing her pencil at Sero, as she just finished writing her response letter before pocketing it into her backpack. "What point would she have to anyways? She doesn't know who I am and I don't know who she is."

"I was just kidding man! Don't get so defensive," Sero whined, rubbing his forehead from the pencil thrown.

"In my opinion," Katsuki started, looking annoyed as always. "You're wasting your damn time! Just stalk by the locker and talk to her when she comes by."

Mina quickly threw herself into the mix. "Better yet hand her the letter when she stops by! Do you know how smooth that would be?!"

"Smooth?" Denki questioned in a teasing way. "Kyouka isn't smooth."

"I'm about to smoothly punch you in the face," Kyouka mumbled through clenched teeth, loud enough to be heard.

Coincidentally enough people were walking by to the next table over, Kyouka's mindless threat being heard.

"I feel this goes without saying," Tenya interrupted before Denki could reply. "But please no violence on the school campus."

"So tell me, student council president, if I were to beat Denki up at the park across the street, would that be okay?" Kyouka quietly asked a playful smirk across her face, not expecting to be heard.

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