Waiting Comparisons - 11

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'Like imagine you're on a date with some person and they bring up the weather.'

If words on a piece of paper could echo, this sentence would echo the loudest. It was as if K.J. was aware of her feelings and making random jabs at her. Each word seeming to make her heart beat.

'What if I want to go on a date with you?' Momo wrote. She immediately slammed her pen down, stabbing the piece of paper and possibly making a mark on her wooden table.

"I can't do that!" She loudly giggled, feeling her cheeks flush. Her fingers ran through her head as she rubbed the back of her neck nervously.

Minutes seemed to pass as Momo attempted once again to write a coherent sentence that wasn't flirting. She switched to a pencil as she got out another piece of paper, not wanting more pieces to go to waste.

Momo nervously bit her lip as she rewrote the sentences she already had down on the last sheet of paper. Once she reached the sentence she struggled with, it was like her mind went blank. As if her brain short-circuited and she needed to be rewired.

'Is this your roundabout way to ask me out on a date?'

"What am I doing?! Seriously, what's wrong with me?!" Momo nervously laughed, the laugh obviously being forced as her tone rose. Her cheeks grew darker before she quickly erased the sentence, making sure K.J. wouldn't be able to read it.

'If you want to date me, make it less obvious, sweetheart.'

"I'm not writing that." Momo panicked, seething the words against her teeth. She took a deep breath, desperately trying to calm her raging brain that seemed to lose its touch with reality.

Before she could even attempt to rewrite the sentence again, she could hear a hesitant knock on her door. That sound seemed to snap her back into her senses as she coughed into her fist, preparing her voice.

"Yes?" she asked. Her tone hid all the panicking she'd been up to.

"Momo?" Her head maid spoke in what seemed like genuine concern. "Are you alright? You seemed frustrated over something earlier."

"It's nothing. I was just writing something for my friend," Momo replied easily. The word friend bothered her. Not that they weren't friends, or they were something more than that, rather Momo viewed her relationship with K.J. as something more than friendship. She wouldn't panic over certain things with Kendo, nor would she share as much as she did with Midoriya. It was a fine line between friendship and romantic relationships that Momo seemed to cross with K.J. the moment she developed feelings for her.


To: K.J.
1st Period

That's actually quite an interesting way to view it. I love how you went in depth on it. I also agree people will only view others based on what they see, and with what they see, they'll have their first impression. The moment more aspects of a person reveal themselves, you understand them more and thus your impression of them changes. This makes me curious, K. What was your first impression of me?

I feel like they lie just for the sake of bragging or feeling like they're better than an individual. Though reasons probably vary amongst people. Either way, I understand feeling the need to stroke your own ego, but I believe there should be a limit. Especially if a part of a person's ego is bringing those around them down. It's saddening when you think about. I imagine a person doing all of this deep down because they're insecure. They act like they're above people to feel better about themselves. I feel like this is turning into an introspective on egotistical and god-complex individuals.

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