New Perspective - 5

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"You're always looking down and reading some letter whenever we're by your locker, I swear," Kendo said, having finished all student council duties for the day. "Who are you writing to anyways?"

"Admittedly, I have no clue," Momo chuckled. "I'd ask you who owns the locker behind this letter, but she doesn't seem so keen on meeting me yet. Either way, I'd like to respect her privacy."

"Even if you did ask me the only lockers I know from memory are people around your locker, my locker, Tenya's locker, and Neito's locker," Kendo replied, putting her fingers up as she listed the names.

"The one thing you can beat me at is memorizing lockers it seems," Momo teased, giving Kendo a warm smile nonetheless. Despite knowing the teasing would raise the friendly rivalry between the two that has long passed by the time university rolled around.

"I'm about to figure out who owns the locker behind that letter and purposely never tell you."

"I'll never tell you the locker number, so good luck with that."


To: K.J.
5th Period

At my locker, I don't usually pay attention to those around me. Although, I can imagine myself seeing you around in the cafeteria at some point. Judging by the lack of reply regarding a possible meeting in real life I see it as safe to assume that you're uncomfortable with that idea. Nonetheless, I understand your hesitancies in me knowing your identity, so I'll respect your privacy K. Also I'm sure you aren't "too dumb" for advanced classes, being in advanced English should show something.

I believe in the notion that “nerd” isn't an insult unless someone uses said word as an insult. A person's tone is usually a good indicator of whether they meant it as an insult or not. I feel that applies to most things since a person's tone reveals their intent. Even the nicest things can be seen as an insult if you say it in a certain way.

Something happened in class today by the way! You may think of it as nothing but the whole thing made me question some things. One of the extra activities during class was to write a letter to your favorite teacher. (Truthfully, my favorite teacher is one I had back in Highschool since he seemed like such a father figure but I doubt I'd be allowed to write about him when they don't know him). Anyways, one of my classmates ended up admitting to having a crush on their teacher and they got sent to detention for even considering sharing it. It made me question some things because I can't help but question, how do you have a crush on your teacher. Is that just me?

Truthfully K, I wanted to share it with someone but sometimes I question if the things I want to share with my friends are good enough. Like a part of me wonders if they would care. I know they're nice people but sometimes there are some inner doubts. (I'm sorry to turn this deep, truthfully it happened unknowingly). Maybe it's different with you because of the letters. You're anonymous, you don't know me and you can't judge me. I think I'm starting to like the feel of this anonymous thing too. Perhaps it’s a place where I can be myself unconditionally? Do you think that place exists?

I think I'd want to be free with someone I trust. Maybe my close friend since High School, but she'd probably be too busy and would never consider it anyways. Although, there are some other friends I have, but I'm not as close with them (once again due to schedules). Either way, I'm sure I'll find someone. I believe time will work things out.

- Y.M.


To: Y.M.
7th Period

Thank you for respecting my privacy but honestly, I think I mainly said that because I didn't know you that well. Or at least that's how it was and now after reading your letter it's a bit different. Does that make sense?

"Even the most nicest things can be seen as an insult if you say it in a certain way."
That's literally so true beyond belief. I've literally had one of my friends make the words "I love you" sound like an insult. I think it's all in the tone sounding either mad or sarcastic.

Honestly, I'm happy that you even thought of sharing it with me. Share anything you'd like with me anytime. To get on topic though, it's not just you. That's weird to me too and I'd be concerned if you didn't even find it weird to any degree. Even if one were to ignore the age gap issues I feel like it’d be an issue regarding superiority. Although, I don't know what the hell your classmate was on to think that writing that and presenting that was okay. Is it confidence? Like do you have to be extremely confident to do that? When I’m confident I don’t go up to my teacher and tell them they’re hot so in conclusion I don't get it. I also don't get the whole thing of liking your teacher. I get that you can't control your feelings but quite frankly even the mere thought that my teacher is 20 years older than me puts me way off.

I understand that feeling and I get those feelings too. It's like you know they won't mind but you're scared if they'll just think nothing of it or just push it aside. It's even worse over text because the person can just not reply to what you said and then start a conversation later on. It's scary and I don't blame you at all for feeling that way. If you want you can share anything you'd like with me. I mean we're like friends aren't we? Also if you ever feel like sharing something with your friends it'll really help you out if you talk to them. How does that saying go? "Communication is key." Something like that, my point is M is that sometimes in life no matter how scary something can seem it's best to talk it out if something is bothering you, or else it'll just end up bothering you for even longer.

Being anonymous definitely helps. We don't have to worry about being judged or talked about because we don't know who's behind all these letters. We just write what we feel and slip it into a locker, there really isn't a lot of pressure there. Especially if we have no idea who's behind the locker.

A place where you can be yourself unconditionally? I'm 100% sure it exists. Maybe not an actual place but more of with people. Since in life, we act a certain way around various different people but to some, we're way more open and shit.

- K.J.


"Hey Denki," Kyouka said, leaning back on her elbows looking up at the ceiling with the letter still in her lap.

The boy only hummed in response from across Kyouka, glancing at her from the chair in her bedroom.

"Isn't it crazy how fast your view on a person can change?" She mused aloud, after having reread the letter for a second time. Denki could only look at her incredulously as his facial expression morphed from confusion to teasing to even more confusion.

"What the hell type of poetic ass shit did M write?" He quirked his eyebrow with his mouth agape.

"Shut up!" Kyouka groaned. "I don't know! It's just that after I saw myself actually relating to her to a deeper degree, it felt like I actually knew her. She felt human."

Denki's face quickly morphed into one of teasing. "Yes Kyouka, a human seems like a human," He smirked, ignoring the annoyed expression Kyouka gave him. "Not only are people confiding in you a real game-changer, but this gal made you a softie today."

"Shut the hell up and play the damn guitar!"

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