Needed Conversation - 16

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Though they had contrasting schedules, that didn't change the occasional glances they'd share whenever they caught the other's eye in the hallway. Kyouka would send her a small, tiny wave, making her awkward approach even more obvious. When being accompanied by friends, all of Kyouka and Momo's friends were quickly aware of their spontaneous and rather affectionate meeting in the hallway that day. Though, it also didn't help that Denki was notorious for his rather verbal reaction after Kyouka told him and left him with his thoughts. He ended up telling well over the entire friend group, minus Mina who found out from Kyouka instead. The following reactions in the group chat they shared varied from absolute exasperation and excited cheering, it all just being the typical "fucking finally" and "I'm sobbing, congratulations." Meanwhile, for Momo's friend group, all of them showed absolute positivity towards finally meeting with the side comment of "when are you going to date her?".

Kyouka's throat closed the moment she felt a tap on her shoulder. She glanced back, expecting one of her closest friends, but found it shocking when she saw Momo with a shy smile on her face, complemented by a rosy blush. She had to get used to this at some point. Something told her she would never get used to it.

"Hey," Momo timidly spoke, a nervous smile etched on her lips. "I feel like we have a lot to talk about. So I was wondering when you're free, as I'd rather not have the conversation at school."

Kyouka gulped. She knew a conversation was coming, but never expected Momo to approach her about it so soon. As she'd love to get it over with by communicating the feelings she felt during that time, it would be no easy feat, especially with the intensity of the emotions.

"Yeah, sure," Kyouka responded with as much confidence as she could muster. "Would you like to come over to my house?" Kyouka internally screamed. She didn't know why she offered her place. She could've just said a coffee shop or even just the nearby park, yet here she was offering to meet at her house. Kyouka could only hope her room was clean before she left.

Momo's blush visibly brightened. "I'll meet you at your locker after school?" Kyouka only nodded in response with a blush of her own.

This was going to be a long day.


Momo didn't know what to think, and she was extremely impatient for it to just be after school. She wished she could take Kyouka's hand and just talk to her, but she couldn't. She was stuck in the middle of class, left with her rampaging thoughts.

How did K.J find out who Y.M is?

Where would they go from here?

Would the chemistry they had through the letters reflect in real life?

Could she like Kyouka Jirou as much as she liked K.J?

It felt like a dumb question to her. Kyouka was K.J and Momo knew that, yet it seemed so unfathomable. It seemed like a line that should've never been breached was crossed. At the moment, it was natural to hug her because she wanted to meet her, but as the thoughts processed, Momo couldn't help but wonder. If K.J is who Kyouka Jirou is at her core. Then what more is she and what other sides could she witness.

She was happy to put a face to her crush, but all of that wouldn't matter if their chemistry through the letters wouldn't reflect as they met face to face. Uncrossed territories and awkward conversations. Momo couldn't help but wish that she'd fall for Kyouka Jirou all over again once she got to know her face to face.


"You look like a wreck," Bakugou commented the moment Kyouka sat down at the lunch table.

Kyouka only rolled her eyes in response. "I just awkwardly waved at Yaoyorozu for what feels like the hundredth time today. You'd think my arm would stop after that much embarrassment, but it won't."

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