Worlds Collide - 12

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To: K.J.
1st Period

The fact you think that no matter what circumstances we'd meet under, we'd still end up being friends makes me so happy. It makes me less terrified of the way we met in a way. Though it was a chance meeting, there were many other meetings we could've possibly had. If by a coincidental chance we know each other, there could be many other ways that got us to talk. Whether it was you asking me for directions to your class, or it was by mutual friends, the universe would probably find a way. Now that I think about it, all that I'm saying sounds incredibly cheesy. Not that you're innocent either, with our meeting being meaningful to you. But just so you know, you're also meaningful to me.

This topic made me curious about something. It detoured my brain from the original topic and went down a rabbit hole. What are your thoughts on alternative universes? Do you believe in alternative universes? Personally, I find the topic interesting, but I struggle to believe in it. To believe that there's a universe that's created all because of one separate action that was supposed to happen is crazy to me. Even as I write that, I'm confused about what I'm trying to say. For example, there could be a universe where, let's say, you and I weren't supposed to meet. Though thanks to the locker mishap, we met, which resulted in an alternative universe being created. Doesn't it sound crazy? We created an alternative universe each time a person of the 7 billion goes off the set timeline. With that knowledge, there might as well be trillions of alternative universes.

That was most definitely out of line. Though I don't share the same humor as past you. I can still understand other people's sense of humor. The girl could've easily talked to you about the joke instead of skipping a step and going straight to the teacher.

You make me want to carry around a deck of cards with me in case I get awkward during conversations. So if I do, I can just pull out Uno and pretend I want to play, rather than admitting I suck at making conversation.

- Y.M.


Topics were hard to approach. Especially if you and the other individual danced around the topic. That was how Momo viewed her and K.J's situation. They both knew that at some point, they'd have to meet. At some point, both she and K.J would have to write in a letter their concerns regarding each other's identity. At some point, they'd have to schedule a meeting spot or even drop the initials and simply put a name. Moments like these made Momo wish that weeks ago she had put her full name to sign that letter, rather than an initial. Everything would be easier in her head.

She wouldn't have to write a letter during class as she multitasked. Nor would she have to panic over the unlikely circumstances of her crush. She liked someone anonymous, someone she didn't even know the full name of, let alone the looks. She couldn't help but wonder if, after identities were revealed and lockers were closed, would she still like K.J the same. Would the two still maintain their conversation and chemistry face to face?

Things would be easier, she knew that. Yet, how was she supposed to make things easier when the very thing stopping her was one of her weaknesses? Whether or not that was related to her confidence issues, starting conversations wasn't Momo's forte. Especially when the conversation at hand is an enormous deal. Meeting someone who's anonymous requires a huge amount of trust. Trust that Momo wasn't one hundred percent sure K.J had in her at times.


To: Y.M.
3rd Period

Now, you looked at it a lot more deeply than me. Though, it's nice to see your faith in the universe compared to me barely having any faith in the universe itself. I guess what I'm trying to say is that everything happens for a reason. So no matter how coincidental and how much of a "rare chance" an instance is, it'll still happen one way or another. Because that very instance happened for a reason.

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