Revenge Isn't Sweet

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Everyone from the party slept like a rock all night, plauged by drunken dreams and forbidden thoughts. Some were left wanting, and others left with questions. The next morning came with hangovers, nursing themselves back to reality.

Draco woke up to an empty bed, straining to sit up. He clutched his head as an immediate headache slammed his forehead. "Bloody fuck!" He winced harshly, his attention distracted by sounds of heaving coming from the bathroom. "Harry!" He sprang up, flying into the bathroom.

Harry had his head in the toilet, flushing puke.

Draco came over, brushing Harry's hair away from his face. "No more superior red mixed with whiskey for you!" He lightly teased, rubbing his back.

Harry groaned in harsh complaint, throwing up more food mixed with copious amounts of alcohol.

"Harry lift your head." Draco whispered, quickly running over to run a hand towel under the water. "Common, lift." He kneeled down on the side of Harry.

Harry slowly lifted his head, fighting the waves of nausea as best as he could. "I feel awful." He whined.

Draco did a warming charm on the wet hand towel, wiping Harry's face lightly. "You drank alot, I'm glad you are throwing it up though." He raised his wand up. "Accio potions box!"

A large white ivory box came floating over, landing beside Draco's feet.

Draco opened the top compartment, pulling out a black colored liquid in a clear long vile. "Harry you need to drink this." He extended his hand to him.

Harry took one look at the black sludge colored potion, puking another round into the toilet bowl. "Uhghh noooo." He whined painfully, clutching his stomach.

"You may be the Golden Boy, but your stomach isn't invincible." Draco gently put his hand under Harry's chin, lifting his head up. "Open."

Harry shakily opened his mouth.

Draco uncorked the potion, pouring it into Harry's mouth. "This tastes horrid but you'll be fine in a few minutes." He closed his mouth, tipping his head back.

Harry grimaced harshly at the nasty slime he had to swallow, groaning as it went down. "What is that?!" He coughed.

"Hangover potion." Draco took another one out, swallowing it down with a harsh scrunch of his nose. He sighed in relief as his headache subsided, energy flowing through him.

Harry leaned back against the wall, ripping his shirt over his head. "I feel gross...I'm all sweaty."

Draco walked over, picking Harry up. "Let's get you in the shower, you'll feel better clean."

Harry felt so touched that Draco wanted to take care of him like this, thinking back to when they were rivals. He would never have been this way in the past...I fall in love more and more each day with him...


Severus apparated outside of Malfoy Manor, walking up to the front gate. He waited for the guard to come and unlock the chains, sneering at the man as the lock was opened. Severus clutched his wand on the inside of his cloak, being lead inside to the main rooms.

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