Secrets and Lies

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Harry and Draco finished their shower, getting dressed. Draco's stomach kept growling while he forced his cream colored T-shirt over his head. Harry had talked Draco out of sneaking around to the kitchens, trying to get them to go eat.

"I'm sure everything will be alright, we can't avoid mealtimes for the rest of the year." Harry tied his black hightops, slipping on his Slytherin Mascot T-shirt. "If we got caught going to the kitchen we'd be in deep trouble."

Draco didn't necessarily agree but he also heard the mental reminders of his Father's threats about his behavior. "Maybe you're right, I can't afford any trouble this year...not after last year."

Harry zipped and buttoned his dark blue baggy jeans, walking over. "Let's forget about all that and enjoy Sunday before class starts again."

Draco looked at the time. "Breakfast is almost think we can catch the end of it?"

Harry stood up nodding. "Common let's hurry." He threw Draco his wand and key.

Draco fussed with his jeans, following Harry out into the dungeons.

Harry looked around, noticing they were alone. He looked down as they walked, taking Draco's hand.

Draco gasped, looking down at Harry's hand lacing his fingers. He blushed, squeezing lightly. "What if someone sees?" He looked infront of them.

"Nobody is here, I'll let go if someone appears." Harry rubbed his thumb on the side of Draco's hand.

Draco softened, staring down with a slight smile. "Okay."

Harry smiled back, walking side by side. "Good."

They walked all the way to the open doors of the Great Hall, almost forgetting they held hands. They walked in, Harry going in first.

Draco noticed most students had already left, the chatter reduced to a dull roar. He got happy for a second that maybe he'd have a meal in peace, but that thought was destroyed when he saw Pansy and Blaise staring him down the closer he got to the table.

Harry noticed this, moving infront of Draco as they got closer. "Do you want to talk to them? Or should I act as a barrier?"

Draco rolled his eyes at the whole situation. "I'll talk to them, why don't you go sit with Granger and Lovegood?" He pointed to the Ravenclaw table.

Harry nodded, changing his path to go see his friends.

Draco split off from Harry, sitting down infront of Pansy and Blaise. "Morning..." He dryly muttered.

"That's all you have to say?" Blaise glared, flicking a dried piece of toast at Draco's chest.

Draco looked at Pansy who gave him a lethal stare. "Listen I know you guys are mad at me, but I had to be away for a while."

"Did you Draco? Or was there someone else you wished to be with more?" Pansy hinted.

Draco's hands gripped the bench under him anxiously, staring at Pansy with pleading eyes. "Pansy don't."

"What's he talking about?" Blaise asked.

Theodore and Goyle came over. "Draco where have you been?" Goyle asked. "We've wanted to talk to you about Potter." Theodore said secondly.

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