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Harry woke up frightened by one of his horrible nightmares, confused as to where he was. He remembered he wasn't in Gryffindor anymore; he was in the Slytherin Wizards dormitory. It would take a lot of getting used to it for him to feel comfortable again.

Harry looked around as he sat in his bed, seeing Draco had chosen the bed next to him. He leaned back, moving to his side. He looks peaceful when he sleeps...he thought to himself as he watched, his hair was messy, sleeping in a white T shirt.

Draco opened his eyes to see Harry staring.

Harry moved his head away, rolling over. He saw Draco had a bandage on his arm, wondering what it was for...

Draco sat up, stretching. "Goyle! Blaise! Time to get up now!!!!" He yelled, getting up.

Multiple groans of discontent came from the boys still in bed. "Must you be so loud???" Blaise mumbled, lazily getting up.

Harry sat up, reading his schedule. All his classes were advanced placement with 2 free periods mixed in. Advanced Potions, Advanced Herbology, Advanced Apparition, Advanced Charms, and Advanced Flight class. He was advised by Pansy to fill his free time with other electives, but he chose not to.

Draco took a shower and got dressed, putting on his robes as he shoved his wand into the side inner pocket. "Pansy what are you doing here?" he scowled, irritated that Pansy snuck into the boy's dormitory.

Pansy gasped at Draco seeing her from the corner of the bathroom. "You sneaky git!" She giggled, skipping over to him. "You'll miss breakfast!"

"Not going, not hungry." Draco said short and cold.

Harry chose the other side of the bathroom to get ready in, fluffing his mop of brunette mess to look slightly presentable. He grabbed his books, slipping out before anyone noticed.

"You have to! I'll be bored all alone when I eat." Pansy whined, making a pouty face. She followed Draco through the room, humming and skipping about.

"I told you no!" Draco left after scolding Pansy, rushing down the dungeons to clear his head. He spent the whole breakfast time wandering the halls, checking out where his classes would be.

Potions was the first class Draco had for the morning after his first period of free time. He walked in early to see Professor Slughorn jotting things down on the blackboard.

"Well hello Mr. Malfoy! Congratulations on making advanced Potions! Your assigned seat is in the back center row!" Professor Slughorn smiled.

Draco didn't bother to answer he just shrugged and walked back to his seat, placing a piece of parchment on the table.

Mostly slytherin students flooded in, followed by Harry and Hermione who sat down together in the front.

"Oh no no Mr. Potter your seat is next to Mr. Malfoy in the back center!" Professor Slughorn advised.

"What?!" Harry questioned rather loudly, looking at Draco.

Draco snapped his quill in his hand at the comment. "Oh Salazar." He grunted to himself, rubbing his face.

Harry walked down the narrow walkway between desks to the back, sitting down next to Draco opening his notebook. "Hello again..."

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