Tell Me The Truth

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Soon after breakfast Pansy followed Draco and Harry to the library, she refused to do this dysfunctional dance with Draco anymore. She was going to find out the truth, even if she had to force him to tell her.

Draco sat in the back study section on the brown leather sectional, flipping through an advanced potion textbook. "You're suppose to be studying!" He poked Harry in the side.

Harry sat shoulder to shoulder with Draco, reading a book that showed pictures of every kind of broom ever made since the early 1900's. "I'm looking at brooms...I'll study in a minute."

Draco scowled, going back to his reading. "I told you to study!" He snapped lightly, snatching the book away. "Here." He handed Harry their potions text from class. "Study!"

Harry glared, but read it anyway.

Pansy came over from one of the bookshelves. "Draco!" She called sternly.

Draco looked up from his textbook, surprised to see Pansy. "Pansy what are you doing here??? How did you know where I was?"

"I followed you, you've been giving everyone the creeps! I need to talk to you." Pansy put her hands on her hips with a distasteful stare at Harry.

Harry glared back, turning his back to her.

"I have nothing to say to you, leave." Draco went back to reading.

"That's just it! You won't talk to me or any of your friends!" Pansy yelled.

"Be quiet!!!" Draco shushed. "Fine if I talk to you will you leave me alone?!"

Pansy grabbed Draco by the shirt, dragging him a few shelves over.

"Pansy have you completely lost your mind?!" Draco released his shirt from her grasp, flattening the cotton.

"Have you?! You've been spending all your time with Potter!" Pansy crossed her arms, leaning against the bookshelves.

"What I do with my life is none of your concern! I told you we weren't friends anymore." Draco started to walk away.

"I wouldn't do that...if you don't tell me what's going on I'll be forced to make you." Pansy sneered.

Draco stopped, turning back around. "Are you threatening me?"

"Yes." Pansy walked towards him. "And it's a shame I have to!"

"What exactly do you want to know so bad that you'd threaten me?!" Draco was slowly getting more and more angry.

Pansy looked over at Harry on the sectional through the shelf. "Why are you with Potter all the time? Why are you roomates?"

Dracos eyes widened slightly. "Where did you hear that?"

"Well there's two empty beds in Slytherin and other students have seen you walking together all the time!" Pansy pulled a small little bottle with blue liquid inside.

"Pansy what is that?" Draco asked, taking a step back.

"Either you tell me yourself what's going on...or I dose you with a drop of Veritaserum." Pansy took a few steps forward. "What's it going to be?"

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