The Awakening

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Many days had passed after the Ministry of Magic took over the Malfoy Manor, multiple dozens of Death Eaters were either killed or sent to Azkaban. With the Death of Lucius Malfoy, the Manor was left empty, the house elves freed and cleaning staff released. Draco was recovering on the 4th floor of St. Mungo's, he hadn't woken up since he was hit with the Cruciatus Curse, leaving him in long term care for observation.

Harry hadn't left Draco's side in the 5 days since being admitted to the Janus Thickey Ward, getting his school work done while he watched over him. Seamus brought Harry his assignments every day, checking on Draco with worry.

Draco was dressed in all white, in the standard uniform of care, meant for comfort and softness. He was in a deep sleep, his body trying to combat the effects of the curse.

Harry held Draco's pale hand, rubbing his fingers along his palm. "I miss you Draco...I hate seeing you like this." He softly spoke, running his fingers up his arm.

One of the Healers came in to check Draco's vitals.

"Any news?" Harry asked, watching the Healer do his wellness check.

The Healer frowned. "Mr. Malfoy should have woken up by now, we are worried that being tortured for longer than 10 minutes by the Cruciatus curse might have done more damage than we thought." He pressed the stethoscope to his heart. "His pulse is weak."

Harry looked over at Draco with worry. "But he could still wake up right??? He might just need some extra time to recover." He squeezed Draco's hand.

The Healer sighed. "Mr. Potter the longer he stays asleep, the more risk we are dealing with. He's slipping into a coma...if he doesn't wake up by tomorrow morning, there's not much else we can do but keep him comfortable."

Harry was devastated. I should have been the one to save him! I should have taken the blast of the curse!!! I couldn't protect him and now look what's happened! He felt the tears start to form, trying to hold it together.

"You should get some sleep Mr. Potter, it's almost 11pm I'm sure you are tired." The Healer handed him a clean blanket for the night. "We are doing what we can for now, we'll check on him later."

Harry placed the blanket on the side of Draco bed. "Can I sleep next to him? I feel bad sleeping on the couch every night."

The Healer nodded. "Be careful when you adjust his position, but it's not an issue." He smiled, wishing there was more he could do for them both. "The next shift in the morning one of the staff members will come in to change the sheets and administer more healing potions."

"Thank you." Harry faked a smile, not letting his sorrow show. He got up to close the door after walking him out, going back over to Draco. He climbed into the bed, putting up both sides of the rails.

He moved Draco to his side, carefully hopping up to lie down flush against his, wrapping his arms around his chest from behind. "I wish I had stepped in front of you, I could have stopped this...I'm so sorry Draco." Harry sobbed, wiping his own tears away with a reddened frustrated groan.

"You look so calm but I know you're not...trapped in your own mind." Harry heavily sighed in sadness, squeezing a little more. "And it's all my fault."

Draco was trapped within his own mind, fighting internally to wake. The pain and suffering of such a long time under the Cruciatus Curse made it almost impossible to heal enough to be conscious.

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