A Hundred Times That

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Two months later

The tour was a resounding success. They only had 3 shows left, but every single one up until this point had been amazing. Luka had been coordinating the travel with hotels, days off to see each city, and interviews in between, making sure each day was filled, but that the band weren't wearing out.

There was a bit of snag when Uncle Joe found out about her and Brad (by accident), and Brad had to avoid him for a few days. Eventually, Uncle Joe cornered him, and Brad thought he was about to lose his job, or get punched, but Uncle Joe actually just gave a few warning words. Something about him never finding a gig ever again if he broke her heart, and absolutely not staying in the same room as his niece while they were on tour.

Brad had to sneak into Luka's room that night.

They'd spent almost every night together, apart from a few where Brad and the guys went out, and she stayed in to wake up early the next day. She, quote, 'didn't want to be disturbed by drunk shenanigans'.

He still disturbed her, more often than not. She rarely pushed him out of the bedroom.

The guys had toned down their teasing after the first couple of days, and after the first couple of head slaps from Luka. She knew that some of the rest of the crew had their judgements, but no one ever said anything to their faces. Not after one roadie did, and Connor had a few words with him. The rest of them knew to keep their thoughts to themselves. It never affected Luka's job though; everyone knew she was fucking good at it.

She also kept to her promise with Brad, of being all in.

She still hadn't said the L word yet. Neither had he. She figured that he wasn't going to say it first, not after they had a few more chats about why it scared her. She never had a relationship where she felt it, it was always an abstract concept, she was too busy to get that far involved. But being with Brad was different to her previous relationships. It felt different. It took some getting used to at first, the cute flirting, the little touches, the sweet way he would compliment her throughout the day. She had to learn not to move away, but to lean into them. Somewhere along the way, she started seeing it as a good different. Started seeing it as being more and more possible that she could, possibly say that big word to him. One day.

Just as they were heading to the next venue, Luka was chilling with Connor and James, watching Star Wars on the big bed in the back of the bus, with Tris and Brad at the front, having a drum off, or something like that. Luka could hear them cackling to each other behind the door.

"You know you're ridiculously in love with him right?" James suddenly said, making Luka snap round.

"What? What makes you say that?" She asked, the familiar feeling of dread bubbling in her chest.

"Cos I can see you listening to him, and you're smiling to yourself."

"I'm...not. I'm smiling at the film."

"You're smiling at Han Solo getting frozen?"

She focused back on the screen to, indeed, seeing Han Solo in the carbonite, and Chewy wailing.

"Uh....yeah. My favourite bit. So emotional you know?" She reasoned.

"You know, you two skirting around it is just typical." Connor muttered.

"We're not skirting around it, we are just-"

"You're skirting. Just like when you first started. You're allowed to be in love, Luka, he's definitely in love with you. You just gotta say it."

"Connor, they're just getting to know each other." James interrupted.

"Yeah! I'm not saying that I'll never say it, I just..." Luka started to say.

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