Lovey Dovey and Emotional

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"Uh.." Brad stammered, while his friends just stood and stared at them both.

"Oh, hey guys. What's up?" Luka said, an awkward smile on her face as she got another piece of french toast on her fork.

"What's up? What's up?!" Connor scoffed.

"What's up is you two tongue-fighting in our kitchen!" Tris yelled. It made Luka freeze,her fork inches from her mouth.

"Oh, thaat." Luka coughed, before putting her fork down. "That was uhh...well it was just uhh..."

"Oh we're kidding." Tris laughed, sauntering over and clapping a hand on her back as he headed to the fridge. Her eyes widened as the others joined in laughing as well. "We knew about you two for ages."

Brad groaned and put his head in his hands.

"Yeah, you weren't exactly subtle at the hotel either." James added, ruffling his hand in Brad's hair as he walked over. Brad slapped his hand away.

"You're all dickheads." Brad scoffed, going back to his french toast.

"Come on, it's our job to tease you." James smiled.

"So, what is this? Are you in love?" Tris asked, with a wiggle of his eyebrows before gulping down some orange juice.

"Okay! That's enough of that." Luka stood, grabbing the plate of french toast and going to the bin.

"Hey!" Brad yelled as she threw it away then dumped the plate in the sink.

"We have to pack for the tour, enough of this, let's go." She said, ignoring Brad completely and starting to usher the other boys out of the kitchen. "Leave your suitcases here if they need washing, get your other ones out the cupboard and start packing. You too." She ordered to Brad, pulling him off the chair and pushing him out the room.

"Luka, Luka chill!" He said, spinning around to face her. She was breathing heavily at the retreating gossiping of the boys as they headed up the stairs. "It's fine, they know. It's okay." He said, trying to comfort her.

"Go and pack." She repeated, not looking him in the eyes. She spun around and went to the sink, and started to angrily wash the plate. He watched her back for a few seconds, before thinking it would be best to leave her to calm down.

She obviously knew they would find out, eventually. But she just wanted to stay in this bubble with Brad for a little while longer. She was mad at herself for getting so worked up over what she knew was a teasing comment from a loving friend, but it caught her off guard. So, she focused on calming herself down, and she only knew one way to do that - doing her job.

That meant washing their dirty clothes, reminding them to pack something other than one pair of boxers, calling the crew to check the bus was going to be on time, and double check their destination was expecting them at both the hotel and venue. She knew from experience to always double check.

She wasn't purposefully avoiding Brad, but that's what ended up happening. Everytime she realised she still hadn't spoken to him, she would go to do just that. Then the memory of Tris asking if they were in love played in her head, and she got mad all over again.

Thing is, that meant that the next time he even spoke to her was in the evening when they were loading the tour bus.

The guys had stopped poking fun at the both of them, but Luka still didn't seem in the best mood. In fact, she was all but chucking the suitcases into the luggage compartment. Brad hurried over.

"Hey, hey!" He said, putting his hand over hers to make her stop. "You're seriously still mad about this?"

She looked up at him.

"Are you not?" She asked.

"No." He looked around the driveway, checking they were alone. "They knew I liked you, they obviously knew at the hotel. It's not a big deal."

"Yeah," She scoffed, picking up another bag. "Not to you."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"It means," She threw the bag onto the bus then looked back at him. "They're joking about us being in love and know I don't...I can't...."

He blinked at her. She put her hands on her hips.

"What are you talking about?" He said, utterly confused at her response. She huffed and turned to walk to the house. He followed her.

"What I mean is...ugh," She groaned before continuing. "I can't be like that. I can't be all lovey dovey, a-and emotional, and available. We're a thing. I like you. I'm not ready to be all over you in front of people and to hear about...that."

"Guess this is a bad time to tell you I love you then?" He said as he watched her picking up another two bags from the bottom of the stairs. She froze.


"I'm kidding Luka!" He laughed as took the bags from her. She just stared at him like a deer in headlights. "Fuck them all." He dropped the bags on the floor, and stepped forward to cup her face in his hands. "We're nowhere near that. I know that, and you know that. They're just teasing because they know I've been crazy about you for weeks. Because I am, I'm crazy about you." Her eyes softened as he spoke. "But you gotta stop giving me whiplash Luka, you gotta be in, or out."

"I never said I was out I just-"

"I know. But one person said one thing and you're ignoring me all day, going back to square on, and getting panicky about something that I'm not even bothered about. I don't care if you never say it." He paused to kiss her lightly. "You're confident. And sexy," He kissed her again. "And you do whatever you want, without giving a shit about what other people think." Another kiss. "So anyone says shit like that again, and you put them back in their place." He kissed her once more, longer, deeper than the last two. She fell into him a little, into the kiss, and when he pulled back, her eyes stayed closed for a few seconds. "Okay?"

"Okay." She hummed. "I can swear at them?"

"Princess, you can swear all damn day. I just need you to give this a proper chance." He leaned his forehead against hers, breathing her in. "Please."

"Okay." She agreed. He smiled, his eyes closing.

"Good girl."

She inhaled.

"You might want to be careful with what you say Mr Simpson." She breathed. He opened his eyes to see her staring up at him.

"Is that so?" He whispered, biting his bottom lip briefly. "What would happen if I didn't?"

"You might...find your bed next to Tris'." She smirked, before slipping out of his grasp and grabbing the bags, heading to the tour bus.

He chuckled to himself, then followed her.

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