I'm Your Idiot

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The next day was pretty much another lazy day for the band. Luka didn't wake them up until late, mostly because her and Brad were....stuck in bed again. Once she finally got into the guys' rooms, they'd missed the hotel breakfast and ordered room service, before packing up the car and heading back home.

Luka and Brad were still acting like nothing was happening between them, but the guys knew. James was in the front seat on the drive home, and kept catching Luka looking in the rearview mirror at Brad in the back, who would then smile at her. James, Connor and Tris were group messaging about it, about how cute it all was, how happy they seemed, and the fact that they were both wearing tops with higher necklines today.

Friday was the day they left to start their tour, and with nothing else pressing that the band had to do, they all started to arrange heading back home to their families for a few days before it all kicked off. Luka's family were in the Phillipines on holiday, so she would be staying at the house, sorting the last minute bits for the tour, and to be honest, enjoying some peace and quiet. She was slightly nervous how it would go with her and Brad. They'd spent weeks practically glued at the hips, both friendly and not friendly, before they started this whole thing and especially after. It would be interesting to see how they fared with some actual physical space.

That evening, Tris and James left to go to their parents, as they lived the closest together so they shared a car. Connor wasn't going til Monday morning, the next day, so he, Luka and Brad had a chilled evening watching some films.

The next morning, Luka woke up to knocking on her bedroom door. She grumbled as she opened her eyes, first noticing that the bed was empty, and then seeing the door opening as Connor walked in with his hands over his eyes.

"Decent?!" He shouted, making Luka laugh.

"When have I ever slept naked?" She retorted, making Connor drop his hand.

"I dunno what you do after this door closes." He smiled, heading over to the side of her bed as she sat up and rubbed her eyes awake. "I'm heading off now, just wanted to say bye."

She smiled warmly at him, and knelt up on the bed to give him a hug.

"How long does it take you?" She asked.

"Just under two hours."

"Text me when you're there so I know you haven't crashed."

"I'm a good driver!"

"Well I don't know, I always drive you everywhere." She teased, pinching his cheeks gently like a grandmother would. She flopped back down onto the bed. "Has Brad gone too?" She asked, trying to sound nonchalant about it.

Connor smirked.

"No," He replied, shrugging a little. "Think I saw him downstairs."

Luka nodded, then waved as he left. She needed to talk to Brad before he went. She yawned, stretching as much as she could before leaving the bed, not bothering to get anymore dressed if Brad was the only one left in the house. She had a top and boxers on - he's seen her in a lot less.

She quickly rinsed her mouth out in the bathroom, then shoved her hair into a bun, seeing as it was too messy to leave down for the minute, and headed downstairs.

She was greeted to the smell of something sweet, and followed the scent to the kitchen, where she saw Brad over the stove and a plate of pancakes on the side.

"Did I wake up in the Twilight Zone or something?" She asked, the suddenness of her question making Brad jump and whirl around.

"I thought you were still in bed!"

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