Spicy Eggs

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The Next Morning

As Brad got closer to the kitchen, he could hear someone talking. He could hear her talking. He slowed his steps so that he could listen in without interrupting, and peeked his head round the door.

"I know Uncle Joe, I'm sorry. It's completely my fault though." She said into the phone she was holding. She was standing by the counter, her back currently to the doorway, in sweatpants and an oversized cropped T shirt. Brad could see a bit of a tattoo on her hip, which made him curious.

"No honestly, I told them it was tomorrow, not today, so they went out because they thought they had a free day!" She said, her voice going up slightly at the end which made it all sound quite innocent. She moved round the counter to the kettle, which had just boiled, and turned round to pour it into the cafetiere.

When she put the kettle back down, her eyes flicked up and she spotted Brad. She didn't react and continued to talk on the phone.

"Genuinely don't know how I did it. I haven't slept that well lately, I think my hormones are playing up, maybe I'm gonna come on my period s-" She paused, obviously listening to Joe on the other end. "Of course. I'll get them there at 10 tomorrow. Love you." She hung up and threw her phone on the counter, pressing down on the cafetiere then filling a cup, which she slid over to Brad before turning round to grab another.

"I... was that Joe?" He decided to say, picking up the coffee as she poured her own.

"Yeah, I sorted the meeting out last night but Joe is a bit slow on these things so just wanted to check."

"After we got back?" He asked, and she nodded. "Didn't think any of...you guys would be awake."

"Some of the team are night owls. It's how we get things done. You know as part of my job as... what did you call me? Babysitter? Nanny? Princess?" His head snapped up to her. "I don't care." She laughed. "I've had worse nicknames. Quite like being called Princess actually."

"I didn't think you heard that." He muttered, staring at his coffee intensely hard.

"How are you this morning?" She said, suddenly changing the subject.

"I'm okay?" He replied, confused.

"Well I found a couple of videos of the party, and you seemed to be in the middle of the fight as much as Tris, but you don't have your face caved in."

"How did you..."

"I know people." She smiled coyly.

"I...dunno, guess I can fight better than him." He gave a small smirk, holding her eye for a second before he looked back down.

"Well I'm glad I only have to take care of one of you for now." She said before refilling her coffee again. "The videos are all gone by the way."

He nodded, and she took that as a thank you. It was the most she felt she would get from him anyway.

Luka and Brad stayed in the kitchen for the next couple of hours, having another coffee each but not really talking to each other. He made himself some toast, glancing at her as she got their clothes out of the dryer, blood free. He almost asked her how she managed it, but he had already had one conversation with her that morning. Wouldn't want her to think that he liked her or something.

So he just sat at the island, eating his toast, scrolling through his phone and only occasionally looking up at her while she worked. She took a couple of phone calls, one from the producing team they didn't meet that day, and another from someone called Dan. The latter was rather short, consisting of 'Dan did you get it all? Okay thanks love you.' It played on Brad's mind. Was that a personal call? While she was working? Who was Dan?

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