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When Brad woke up, he was once again expecting to wake up to an empty bed.

He was pleasantly surprised to wake up with his arms still around a beautiful pink haired girl, and felt a smile creep over his lips. He automatically squeezed his arms around her and nuzzled his nose into her neck, and then heard her inhale deeply.

"Morning." She said, her voice a bit crackly and groggy. He froze, not knowing how she was going to react. He had a habit of doing weird things around her lately.

"Morning." He blurted out as he moved back. "Sleep okay?"

"Yeah. Had my human teddy bear." She laughed a little, and he felt a bit more relaxed, especially when her arms wrapped over his and she squeezed. "Gotta get up in a minute, it's almost 8.15."

"God forbid, you're late for the morning clean." He teased. She rolled over onto her back, his arms still around her, and she gasped in fake shock.

"Do you know how dirty this house would get if I wasn't cleaning?"

"Good job you're here then isn't it?" He smirked, tapping her nose with his finger, making her scrunch it up in the most adorable way he had ever seen. They spent a couple of seconds just looking at each other. He noticed the freckles she had over her nose and under her nose, not super prominent, but they added a cute texture to her skin.

"What are you thinking?" She asked, and he hummed as he came out of his thoughts. "You look like you're far away."

"No, just woke up. Need coffee." He blagged, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes so that he had a moment to compose himself. Then he felt a hand ruffling his hair and he snapped his eyes open.

"Your hair is a mess." She giggled. "Better shower before we go to the studio."

She had a little twinkle in her eye that let him know she was teasing, but Brad couldn't really focus with her fingers still in his hair. It had always been a thing for him. His arms fell away from her as she stood up, stretching briefly, then grabbing some sweats to step into and saying she'd start on coffees as he just watched her like an idiot.

When she left the room, his head fell back to the pillows and he covered his face with his hands, thinking about the situation he was in.

He wasn't exactly close with Luka, thanks to the first few days where he was an ass to her. And yeah, he'd been trying to be nice lately, but he felt like they definitely shouldn't be close enough to sleep in the same bed as each other. That was like, a best friend thing, right? They were barely even friends. And yet here he was, having slept in the same bed as her twice, and she hasn't mentioned a fucking thing about it being weird.

But maybe that was it. Maybe it wasn't weird for her. Maybe it meant nothing. She was super close to the other guys. Granted she didn't sleep in their beds, but she was always hugging them, or touching them, or leaning over them to get stuff, sharing food, generally being close and friendly. Maybe she was just that type of person, who was open and close to people.

It was fucking with his head.

Fuck Connor and Tris. He definitely had a crush on her. He wasn't too sure how his feelings quickly morphed from bitterness to liking her, but he knew the guys joking about it made it worse. She had a girlfriend, he remembered. She was their assistant. She was Joe's niece. He had a list of reasons why they would never be a thing, if she even thought about him that way.

What if she did? A small voice in his head piped up.

Nah, he thought, that's stupid. She's been here for like a week, has a girlfriend, it's ridiculous to think she could like him.

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