I Got You

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They headed back to the house while having a relatively nice conversation. It was completely superficial, not like the usual conversations they had, and it was a little awkward, but it was still nice. They talked about the music video, and the guys' plans the next day, which were to take the recording team to lunch to say thanks for smashing through the album as well as they did.

Luka wasn't joining the lunch. She didn't feel like she needed to be there. She had plenty to keep herself otherwise occupied anyway.

After they parked in the driveway, they walked back to the house side by side. Brad wanted to grab her hand.

He didn't.

They whispered a good night to each other at the top of the stairs, considering it was almost 1am by this point. They stared at each other for a few seconds, both of them debating whether to kiss the other.

They decided not to. Brad watched her go into her room, and softly close the door. Then he exhaled a long breath, chewed the inside of his cheek, and went to his own room.

Seeing as they didn't need to be anywhere other than their Lunch Date with the recording team, the guys weren't awoken by their usual Luka alarm clock. They enjoyed the lay in after the last couple of weeks.

When they stumbled into the kitchen at 10am, they were stretching and yawning and rubbing their eyes, and that meant they didn't notice it at first. It was a few seconds before they finally looked around, and they saw that there was no breakfast, no coffee, and no Luka.

Connor groaned.

"I thought you were fucking sorting it out?!" He hit Brad's chest, who flinched and frowned at him.

"I did! Maybe she's just sleeping in!" Brad replied, but he knew that idea was ridiculous as soon as he said it.

"Really? Luka, sleeping in?" Connor retorted, while Tris went over to the coffee.

"I got this, considering yours was shit last time." Tris said, pointing at Brad before filling up the kettle. "Go see where she is, if you guys are back to normal."

Brad complied with his friend's order, heading through the house and peering into each room as he went. Every one was as silent as the one before. He headed upstairs to her room, because he couldn't think she'd be anywhere else. She had to be in the house, because she hadn't left a note, and she hadn't texted them to say she was going somewhere.

He knocked on her door.

"Luka?" He called through the wood, but there was no response. "Luka, we've gotta get breakf-" Brad poked his head into her room, but saw no one there. "Luka?" He called out. Then he heard retching from the bathroom.

He ran into the bathroom to see Luka with her head over the toilet.

"Oh god Luka." He rushed to gather her hair and hold it away from her face.

"Just ...it's fine, you shouldn't see this." She groaned. "I'm fine."

Then she retched again, throwing up more of her stomach contents into the toilet. He turned his head but kept hold of her hair.

"What kind of sick is it?" He asked after she calmed down.

"Pain. Uterus."

"You ...haven't had this before though?" He frowned, trying to think back to how long she had actually been here, because for him it felt like forever.

"I get the injection, don't usually have periods. Was supposed to get my top up last week but I didn't have time to go." She fumbled for some tissue, and Brad immediately grabbed the roll and tore her off a piece. She mumbled a 'thanks' and wiped her mouth. Brad also grabbed her a cup off the side and filled it with water, which she gratefully accepted.

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