A Different Vibe

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The next day went about the same as the day before. The morning was quiet. The car ride was awkward. Luka and Brad were avoiding looking at, being near or talking to each other. The others weren't exactly surprised by it. They just shoved Brad in the backseat again, plugged Tris' music on and ignored the awkwardness.

The only difference was the fact that Luka and Brad had now done a lot more than just kiss.

Everytime she thought about it, she felt hot. Everytime he thought about it, he just had to look at her. She never stopped chewing her lip for the whole time she was driving. Which just made him think about it more.
Just like yesterday morning, she sent the boys off to hair and make up, and walked over to Skyla. Brad knew now that he had no reason to be jealous. But he was still hurt. He was hurt by the whole thing, the failed attempt at talking, the fact she was ignoring him after last night, the fact she said she wasn't sure how she felt after letting him do all those things to her.

He watched her as she spoke to her friend, trying to work out if they were talking about him or not. They never looked over, and Skyla never seemed overly concerned or surprised, so he assumed that they didn't.

He tried to ignore her as much as he could. He wasn't very successful. He kept looking over. He kept edging nearer to her before realising what he was doing and then heading the other way. She was keeping her ice cold exterior, focusing on the jobs that needed doing, and barely acknowledging any of them.

The day passed too quickly for him. So quickly in fact, that he didn't realise that they'd shot the rest of the video. He'd been on autopilot, and he just hoped that the shots they got weren't of him being a moody little shit.

The drive home was similar to the drive there. Tris sat in the front again, but this time he managed to coax a couple of words out of her. Brad could tell that the guys were feeling very uncomfortable with her being this way. She was the brightness in the group, the happiness, the lead of conversation. But that had disappeared over the last couple of days, all because of him.

They got home, and the guys played some video games while Luka went to do ...something. None of them were really sure, but she was in every other room apart from the lounge, sorting something or rather, and talking on the phone every so often.

She called them in for dinner like usual, and James decided he'd had enough.

"We're watching Spiderman." He announced.

"I'm not really -" She started to say, but James interrupted her.

"No, we are watching Spiderman. All of us." He said, holding her gaze until she sighed.

"You're right." She looked round at the others. "I'm sorry. Let's watch Spiderman." She smiled a little, which fell when she caught Brad's eye, but she gathered her bowl of spaghetti either way and followed the others to the lounge. James put Spiderman on, and they all watched it. Together.

She answered some questions that the others asked her, mostly on the comics and finer details of the films, and while she was still obviously down, she spoke a lot more than she had throughout the day.

About half an hour in, she realised she couldn't sit here like this, stewing in her thoughts, and making things awkward for everyone else. She did the only thing that she thought would help. She leaned over to Tris, who she was sitting next to.

"Tris, can I talk to you?" She muttered, thinking it was low enough for only him to hear. It wasn't. Brad turned to them, watching Tris nod, and watching them both stand up and leave the lounge.

Brad tried to breathe steadily. He heard them go up the stairs. He felt James and Connor staring at him. But he forced himself to look back at the TV, and just tried to focus on calming himself down.

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