Chapter 40

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"Baby Cop, why are you not answering my.....where is my baby?" Kimmon stop on his track when he was half-running getting into the mansion, shouting and treating like it is his house making Tae, Bas and Godt make that irritating face while rolling their eyes, when he couldn't see Copter among them.

"He is not coming back yet. We were still waiting. Why are you here early?" Bas was the one who answered while Kimmon taking a seat opposite to Bas and Godt.

"I thought he was home already since he said he only have one appointment. I thought he was so caught up hanging out with you that he didn't realize his phone is dead. My call cannot get through at all."

Hearing Kimmon, Bas was fast taking his phone and dialed Copter's number, and Kimmon is right, his call was redirect to a voice message.

The situation was fast turning tense. Tae was dialing Wuttichai's number, but he got no answer from the said call. When he couldn't get the answer the first time, he tried once again while Kimmon call Knock asking him if he knew where Copter is.

When Knock telling him he didn't know anything, Kimmon was fast opening his gps application, and it shows that Copter was somewhere he shouldn't be.

Kimmon then shared the location to Knock and asked him to move too, while at the same time, all four of them already behind the wheels, heading to the location. While doing that, Tae keeps on calling Wuttichai.

After the fifth, the call had been answered but by some woman. "Hello, can I speak to the owner of the phone, please?" Tae said.

"I'm sorry sir. Are you his relatives? The owner of the phone was still unconscious when he was brought here this afternoon." Hearing her, Tae was shocked making him turn to everyone inside the car.

"May I know where is that place?" Tae asked again.

"Here is town hospital, sir. This gentlemen was been shot on his stomach and the other guy we believe is his driver is hurt on his head, still unconscious too. But both their condition were stable, nothing to worry. He is in wardroom number 5, second floor. I have to go."

Once finish, the woman who answered the call had cut the call before Tae could say anything. "Wuttichai had been shot. He was in a hospital."

The situation just got more tense when they heard Tae's words. And to that, Kimmon was accelerate even more. He couldn't get fast enough to reach his baby. 'Please, Copter, be okay, please.'


Copter felt the throbbing in his head making him scrunched up his face. His eyes felt heavy, and was difficult to just pry it open. Reflexively, his hand tried to reach his head but then it was stuck somewhere that it couldn't reach his head, limit his movement.

Slowly he opened his eyes only to see an unfamiliar ceiling. Looking down at his hands, he could see his hands was tight to the bed, but what was more shocking is that, he was only in his undergarment, lying on the bed, with both his hands and feet tight to the bed with no covering at all. That was why he felt the cold the moment he felt conscious.

He was struggling trying to get himself free while at the same time looking around the empty room. It was a normal room, or was it a hotel room? He couldn't tell much, but he keeps on thinking about the person who did this to him. Who and why?

"You are awake....finally." Hearing the voice, Copter was fast turning to the guy. He is young, only few years older than him. Might be the same age with P'Kim and P'Tae or maybe a little bit older than them.

"Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? Let me go!" ignoring the throbbing on his head, Copter was asking the guy right away, seeing how ridiculous his situation is.

Instead of answering Copter's rage, the guy was laughing and taking his seat on the only comfy chair place not far from the bed.

"Why would I let you go? You were supposedly dead a year ago, but you came back, alive and lively, I might say. We tried to get rid of you once again yet you were safe, again. And this time, I had to dirty my own hands killing that bodyguard of yours, before I could capture you. I thought of killing you right away, but once I saw how cute and innocent you are, maybe I could play with you for a while, before finishing you."

'Wutt is dead?' Copter was shocked to hear that, but at the same time, he couldn't help but to glare to the guy for his ridiculousness. Somehow, he got teary, but he know he need to keep his composure in front of this lunatic guy. "Why me? Killing me doesn't gave you any advantage. I didn't even know you! Why did you try to kill me you bastard!"

Copter's tone was loud and harsh. He poured out all his unsatisfied and frustrated feeling he had bolted inside all this time for all of this. He wanted the guy to know how much hatred he had for him, though he knew he couldn't do much considering his situation.

"It doesn't matter you know me or not. The only reason you were dying just because you were someone related to New."

Copter was frowning hearing the guy. "What?!" While in his head he was thinking, 'New? P'Tae's brother? I don't even talk to the guy in a casual manner!'

"I love him, yet he left me. He said he need to get back to his family, and he couldn't be with me because he wanted to get back to his family. So, I need to get rid of his family one by one, starting with his father. New was so stupid, appreciate such a father who really loves gambling. I'll make sure he loses hard before offering him my money, big money, and just like that, he moves around with a flicking of my fingers."

"New loves Tae the most, so, he will be my final target. His mom, no, that woman was nothing to him, so I just let her ruin herself. His grandfather already dying, so I just have to wait for him to die. You were next in line after his father. After killing you, I was planning to kill his father, but not before ruining the company, but the board members of that company was bullshit."

"But before I could continue with my plan, suddenly you appeared again, ruining everything I worked hard for. Now, tell me, why should I let you live?"

Copter was frowning, scrunching his face, gripping his hands hard all the time hearing the word of the guy. With such ridiculous reason, he had to endure a lot of things as far as dead?

"Why can't you just confront New and tell him straight to his face instead of doing all this kind of things?! Are you crazy or what?!"

Almost unaffected with distressed tone of Copter, the guy just smirk and then laughing.

"I will confront him, of course I will. But not before eliminate his option of reasons, so that he will have no choice but to come back to me."

Now, Copter was the one laughing at all this ridiculousness. He couldn't accept this stupid reasoning of being the reason his life had been turned upside down.

"That was your main reason? To eliminate his option of reasons? are not just crazy, you are stupid, and you are a coward, you know that?!"

Hearing stupid and coward making the guy suddenly charged at Copter and was choking him on his neck, suffocating Copter.

"Am I a coward now? I will not hesitate even a second to end your life right here and now."

Copter was struggling just try to breath, but the choking keeps on getting stronger and stronger that he feared for his life. But he will not back down without fighting, that was for sure.

"Re...all..y? W..hat P'New? D..did h..he knew you t..this crazy an...d twi..sted? yo..u t..hi..nk he w..wil..l to af...ter ever....ythin..g, if he k...knew crazy?"

Hearing Copter makes the guy thinking, and slowly his choking on Copter's neck loosely, while his gaze were focused on something, like he was thinking deeply.

While Copter who was just slowly getting free from the choking was coughing badly, trying to take in much air to stabilize his breathing once again. All that while never takes his attention away from the crazy guy in front of him.

But not for long when another guy, much older than them coming in suddenly, but his only focused is to the crazy guy.

"Boss, we need to go, now!"

End of Chapter 40

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