Chapter 13

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Prem, Knock and Kit are busy preparing the dinner. Prem was finishing his last menu on the stove, Knock was busy putting everything in the right plate and bowl, while Kit was busy putting the bowl and plate prepared by Knock on the dining table. They were busy with their task when the bell on the door ringing.

"Kit, open the door." Prem was giving his instruction while he turning off the stove, making Kit pouting. Prem knows very well why the boy was pouting. Being introvert himself, he really wasn't good with any outsider, and since his whole family are in the house, someone behind the door was for sure a stranger to him, no matter who that is.

Still, Kit had stomping his way out from the dining area, heading to the main door and was opening the door only to see a familiar face standing in front of him, with a smile on his face, making Kit felt more annoyed to that. "You! What are you doing here? Are you following me? I told you already that I wasn't the guy you thought I was. Just go back from where you were from and never come back!"

Without waiting for any explanation or response from the unwanted guest, at least that's what Kit had thought, he closes the door right on the guy's nose. He turns back and was stomping his way heading back to the dining area when the bell rings again and again.

Knock was coming out from the dining area walked past him with his scowl. "Kit, why don't you open the door?" Knock was about to walk to the door when Kit had pulled his hand, stopping him. "Just ignore him, P. He was the guy I told you about."

Knock was frowning. "Still, I need to see who that was." Knock was release his hand from Kit's hold and was opening the door right away. He was shock to see the person Kit was talking about was the same person they were expecting to have dinner together with, though, Kit didn't know about the guest for the dinner. He will for surely oppose to the idea.

"Dr. Kimmon! Oh my! Forgive my brother. Come on in." Seeing how his brother treated the guy who Kit started to hate, because of how the guy treated him earlier this morning, Kit was frowning and scowling to it. "P, you know this weirdo?" ask Kit in not so nice tone.

"Kit, be nice. He is the doctor who just recently opened his new clinic here." Knock was saying that while inviting Kimmon inside and closing the door. Kit was rolling his eyes to that, feeling unsatisfied, while Kimmon thought that was cute. Right, cute?

"So what? What business do we have with him? Nobody sick in this house. Or, are we going to have dinner together?" Kit then asked. Now, Knock was the one rolled his eyes to his brother's big reaction.

"Yes, we are. Come on. The foods will get cold." Prem was the one answered when he thought the boys was taking too long just to invite their guest in, making Kit scowling to that. He was hating whatever happening now, but he is hungry. He needs his dinner, and he had to put up with whatever the h*ll this is. His stomach was more important than anything. Seriously.

During the whole dinner, Kimmon could feel the glaring from the young man opposite to him. He keeps looking back at the 'scary' glare from the guy, but somehow, at the same time he thought that was cute.

How the guy's face was munching his food with his eyes scrunched up and glares at him and at the same time he still enjoys his dinner to his heart content makes Kimmon's heart had pounding hard to the view.

Kimmon was chuckling and was laughing inside to that view too. Too many feelings stack up inside him that he couldn't process nor he could understand fully. He knows he shouldn't feel or think like this, and the guy wasn't even Copter, but he couldn't help it.

The things he imagines to see from Copter, this guy had showing him all, and the guy even had the same dimple as Copter did. How weird is that? Still, he enjoys the view and keeps on smiling to the guy, even though Kit keeps on glaring at him. His smilewould just making the guy scowling more and more.

Knock and Prem who had saw how these two reacted to each other would just shrugged their shoulder, and then smile to that. Even though Kit was scowling and glaring, they thought Kit was actually happy, since he was naturally rarely interact with others. Basically, he was just ignored strangers, but with Kimmon, he gave an opposite reaction, which they both thought it was something better. Maybe.

"Dad, I'm going upstairs." Kit was standing up right away after finished his meal but his intention to take a step was halted by the voice of the annoying guy who had taken the seat in front of him at the dining table. "Please..." Kimmon was trying to stop Kit from leaving the dining area, and when Kit had turn to him, only then he continued.

"Please, let's have some tea. I wanted to apologize to you for being rude to you this morning, and for calling someone else's name on you. Please....." Kimmon's tone was half guilty and half begging. He really wanted to know more about this guy, but he didn't want to be so obvious, yet he didn't want to just let this chance goes by.

Kit's was glaring at the guy once again. "Are you telling me, you are going to apologize to me using my house's meal and tea? Stingy, aren't you? Dad, P, I think your compliment to this doctor was over the top, he was nothing but a stingy doctor to me."

Kit was leaving Kimmon dumbfounded with his sarcastic comment, while Prem and Knock would give him a guilty smile. "Sorry, Doc, my brother could be grumpy, what's more to the person he thought he hated. But don't worry, he looks tough, but he actually had a very tender heart. Maybe you should have dinner here often."

Kimmon then turn to Knock smiling, hearing Knock's words. "No, actually Kit has a point. I should actually makes my own commitment on how to apologize properly. Say, I remembered you bought something for him from the town. If I buy him that, do you think he will forgive me?"

Prem and Knock had laugh to that. "You remember about it?" Prem was asking him, still laughing. "You are a quick thinker, Doc." Kimmon was sheepishly smiling to both of their response, and was still waiting for their comment for his question.

"Well, I think that will do. Just like I said, he loves that chocolate bar way too much." Kimmon had smile widely hearing Prem's answer. "But why did you really wanted to apologize to him that badly. You just have to ignore what happen. I think Kit will not think about it too much if you just let it go."

Kimmon then turn to Knock who actually curious at the same thing he had in his mind. To be honest, he, too, wasn't really sure.

"I just want to be a friend to him, I guess. I wanted to know more about him, if you both don't have any problem with it." Kimmon was surprised of his own words, and so do Prem, and Knock. Watching how they both were silent, Kimmon know he was being bluntly telling them he wanted to pursue Kit for something...more?

"I that, I could have more friends here, other than Knock and Sandee. Can....I?" Kimmon's words were unsure towards the end, but Knock and Prem was only looking at each other hearing that. It was unexpected, and truthfully, they weren't really sure how to response to that.

End of Chapter 13

p/s: Sorry again for lack of update.

breaking up sucks.

enjoy the chapter.

thank you for stopping by;)

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