Chapter 28

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"I'm happy for you." Bas had said when they both, Copter and Bas had settle down on the bed, sitting leaning on the headboard after taking a bath and Bas had given his pyjama for Copter to wear.

After their long and hard conversation earlier, Copter denied the invitation of Tae to come back to the mansion for the night, telling him he will be going back there tomorrow. He wanted to spend some time with Bas, so Godt had offered him his room, for him to sleep with Bas. He will be taking the guest room with Kimmon. They had planned to have their own conversation, since Kimmon didn't want to leave Copter here alone.

"Which part?" Copter asked all the while they were looking at the other. "All of it. You and P'Kim, and I can't believe they accept you as one of the director in that company. Seriously? I know about Mr. Steve and all, but you know.... your qualification is a bit... Tell me, all your certification was fabricated right? There's no way you could get all the qualification in a matter of a year."

Copter was laughing. He really missed this. Bas had started with a warm tone, and a little bit sentimental, but it got rise up in a matter of seconds, sounding overexcited over everything. Well, who couldn't be? He was the only one who knows everything about Copter anyway.

"Well, it wasn't a fabrication. I did work hard, I mean, reaaally hard for all those. It was all possible because grandpa actually already pave the way for me. He kind of knows about my standard in study and, it wasn't all just a year, Bas. Do you remember when all this time grandpa ask me to study certain subject just like I'm study in a college while spending my time in the mansion? He told me it was to fill my free time, study at home. It turns out he already enrolled me in this one college oversea, where one of his friend are the dean at that college. So, all I did was continue it formally, online, of course, and accelerate things a little bit.

At the same time, he also got me as a consultant, it was supposed to be like practical training, that could help my experience in business world, and somehow they really assign me real task and I did it successfully. Of course, grandpa already deal it with them. You'll be shocked to know how wide grandpa's connection is."

Bas was giving Copter his wide eyes again and again tonight, and suddenly he hugs the guy, shocking Copter. "I'm proud of you. I always is, and I'm realllyy happy you are back. Happy for you and P'Kim too. I hope everything will be going well with your plan, whatever that is."

Copter was smiling while hugs Bas back. He ttook in big breath. "I'm happy for you too. P'Godt seems really serious with you, and he seems soooo in love with you. Though I don't know what he sees in you, I'm glad you have him when everything happened. I was afraid I had to leave you all alone. It breaks my heart every time I think about you."

They let go of each other, taking the previous position, while Bas answer to Copter. "Hey! No need to insert that kind of comment. But, Yeah, me too. I never thought he will love and care for me this much. His parents is still in denial, and he was willing to fight for me. I'm so thankful for that."

"Waaaa...he got so smitten by you...what are you doing to him? What did he saw in you, really, seriously?" Copter was laughing while giving out his comment and Bas had hitting him a little bit hard on his arm, making him hissing to the hit for a moment, but then continue laughing.

"P'Kim is no better. I don't know what he saw in you but, he falls for you at the first sight, and I don't know if you knew this, but he had it as bad as me, if not worse after we were losing you at the time. He loves and really care for you, Cop. And that was while you are already married. Since when are you being this despicable player?" Bas was stating his last sentence while giving out his tongue and was getting down from the bed, putting a space between him and Copter, before Copter did something to him.

"You! Come here. Who is the player? You were already ogling P'Godt and a few men before him, and you call me a player!" Copter who realized it a little bit late was getting down from the bed while taking the pillow in his hand and was going after Bas. Bas was running around while laughing, and seeing that Copter was holding a pillow, he too take one also.

The pillow war was going off in the middle of the night, taking the attention of two pairs of eyes downstairs, outside.

Godt and Kimmon who was sitting and drinking coffee on the bench in the courtyard of the bungalow, looking up at the room's window when Copter and Bas currently in, while shaking their head watching those two kids shadows, and with a smile spread on their lips.

"They will not have a sleep tonight. My Copter will have a bad headache tomorrow, and it was his first day in the company. Should I reprimand them?" Kimmon was frowning a little bit at the end of his words. Godt was just keeps on smile.

"Just let them be. It's been a while for them. How did you meet Copter anyway? I can't imagine being you, the whirlwind of emotions you had to bear. Are you okay now?" Godt was asking, turning his attention to his best friend once again when their conversation earlier had been disturbed by the best friends in the room.

"Never been better. I had it worse, honestly it wasn't easy. When I first saw him, he wasn't Copter. At least that's what he claim to be. I was disappointed at first, yes, because all I wanted is Copter, and only him. But I sort of trying to give myself a chance, and I wanted to know him better, as someone else, that he claim his name is Kit at the time. And I did. But no matter how I look at him, I just couldn't look elsewhere. Then I know, he is the one, no matter who he is, Copter or Kit. Honestly, Godt, I actually wished he is Kit, not Copter who had wedded to Tae. But, regardless, I still love him the same and I'll make sure I will never left his side, no matter what."

"I can understand you. Because that's what I feel for Bas too. I tried to put myself in your shoes, and I guess, I will do just the same. What are you planning about Tae?" Godt was mentioning Tae's name making Kimmon sigh.

"We know how much he loves Tee. It has always been Tee. He just didn't know the whole truth. But with his act earlier towards Copter, I was afraid a little bit. But I choose to trust Copter. He knows what he did, and he was quite determined too. My Copter is so cool with his serious face, giving directions and making decision. He just so......amazingly beautiful. My Copter is."

"Yuck! Scary!" Godt was throwing a few chips on Kimmon's almost drooling face, imagine his Copter. Godt didn't want to think what kind of image Kimmon imagine right now.

End of Chapter 28


Sorry for the late delay guys....

i will try to catch up my pace back....

Anyway, thank you for stopping by;)

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