Getting ready for the fair

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It was the day of the Christmas fair. The night before we’d come home with our discoveries. Jason almost strangled us all the minute we came into the room again, I guess he sometimes forgets his own strength when he hugs people. Rose hugged us too, but she was more in control. I could see her face shifting from anxious to relieved, and her pale expression became soft and lively again. It must have been pure torture waiting for us to get back from the city. We’d barely caught our breath from Jason hugging before he frantically started asking questions. His voice was painted with a hint of blame, I guess he was a little jealous it was only the girls who’d been allowed to go out and explore. He wasn’t the type who just sat back and watched everyone else do the work.

After we’d met the two girls with the poster, we hadn’t stumbled across anything interesting that had any relevance to our mission. But Rose and Jason listened closely when I described my conversation with Klaus and what I’d heard the poster girls were talking about. When I was done talking they were both caught up in their own thoughts. Jason didn’t even ask a lot of questions when I did my explaining, he was just listening. It was a little creepy to be honest. We all agreed we needed to give it all some thought and we’d plan on our next move in the morning.

The next morning:

Jason was the first one to break the silence after breakfast. He couldn’t wait any longer.

“I have to say.. I’m pretty impressed about your findings girls! But I’m still.. hmm.. I wonder how those girls are connected to Damon.”

“So do we.” Tammie stated still chewing on a piece of bread.

She wasn’t looking dreamy at the moment like she used to every time Jason was in the room. I wonder if she knew he has the hots for her too? It was getting more and more obvious. I had my doubts about whether it was the right time or the right place to confront one of them.

“I think we need more information about Klaus. I’m not 100% sure it is the right guy.” Rose said unintentionally posing a thoughtful face expression while holding a glass of juice in her hand.

“What if they are all going to the fair tomorrow? We could go and look for them? Not in a obvious way, but you know.. to spy on them kind of?” I suggested.

I’d really like to go to the fair. It would be such a nice break in this mess, even thought I’d have to “be at work” at the same time.

“I think you’re right. But we can’t all go together then? It would seem weird to Klaus if we go with you if you told him your girls travelled alone.” Jason stated. I saw a slight disappointment written in Tammie’s eyes when she realized he was right – she’d probably feel safer if he was by her side.

“No we would need to be in two groups. Jason and I will go together and we will make up a story if someone starts acting suspicious about us being there.” Rose said, sounding like she was into the plan too.

“Hmm.. don’t we need some kind of.. I mean.. we don’t have phones anymore, so how do we communicate?” I asked.

I was happy we were all going out together, but if we were gonna split up I’d like to be able to know about their whereabouts if they were in trouble. Also I’d like to be able to call for help.

“Hmm.. If we make sure to stay close to you, without interacting with you on any level, we will be able to hear you. Or maybe at least one of us will focus on you and the other one will look out for new leads?” Jason suggested.

“But how will you be able to call for help?” I asked worriedly and it made Jason burst into laughter.

At that moment I really didn’t find the situation very amusing. Just because they were werewolves they weren’t untouchable. I gave him a glare of misunderstanding and he dried his eyes when it occurred to him I was serious.

The Clash of the Hybrids (sequel to Red Eyes and Rev)(TW, TVD, and Supernatural)Where stories live. Discover now