Chapter 41... I choose you...

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Amira POV (a week later)

Nothing's happened... Nothing changed... I wish it was a nightmare but it isn't and no one can erase it! I haven't let anyone in my room and they have all given up now... They were so desperate they even let Cameron to try and make me open up but I haven't. I do keep myself clean and do eat so I can live like this forever but one question that is constantly hitting me over and over again is "Who do you choose?" Yes that question. Everyone want's to know this, it's even trending on twitter... But who do I choose?

"BING!" I get a text, I grab my phone to see it's a message from... Cameron...


Look Ik u h8 me but I still believe all the time we spend 2gether wasn't a lie... Who do you choose?

I sigh and then think... It's now or never... I need to choose... I quickly start to text back to Cameron!

I have made my decision....

I chuck my phone on my bed and I sit down... Have I chosen? The answer was no... I have no idea who to choose! Do I choose sweet Cameron who I dated for 9 months, who was the sweetest boyfriend to me, who got another girl pregnant.... Or do I choose Gilinsky, the boy who I had a crush on forever, the one who I live with, the one who took care of me through everything, the one who dated Molly after knowing what she did....

Then I think about a person who's always been in my mind... OMG! I can't believe I had been so stupid! I was choosing out of two boys I loved but the right person was obvious! He's been there for me all the time, helped me, made me feel happy and always loved me! This choice was so simple but I didn't realise it was him! I have to go and tell him....

I run downstairs and see Gilinsky sat on the sofa he looks up at me, his eyes showing a bit of hope but.... I run out of this house! I run and run, ignoring the sounds of people telling me to stop! Old memories run through my mind....

"For you I will beat the shit out of any fucker who says shit to you!"

"He's a good kid, I like him and I approve of him so if ya ganna date then go ahead!"

"He's a crazy boy....."


"YH! Your fucking famous! He talks non stop bout u! It's annoying!"

"Can I say you two make a very cute couple!"

"She's the most beautiful gal I have ever seen! She's really kind, nice, bubbly and I can be myself around her! She is really a one in a million.... But she ain't ganna be mine..."

"I really love you, your the girl I have a crush on, I admit it Ami! I have fallen for ya but I don't regret it!"

"WHAT ABOUT MY FEELINGS? You spend too much time with people who don't give two shits about you then people like ME who would give their lives up for YOU!"

"Don't you... Don't you ever leave me again!"

I run and run until I stop at his house, I knock on the door and a few seconds later he opens it with a confused look on his face! There that's him, the boy I love! Without any hesitation I crash my lips on to his and start to kiss him, instantly he kiss back and all I can say is WHOA! This kiss wasn't like one I experienced before, this one was full of passion and so much love! And best of all the fireworks were MASSIVE!

I pull back to get my breath back and he still has a confused look on his face.... Time to tell him.... "I choose you!" I say and his eyes go wide!

"Wait! Wa-"

"I choose you! I pick you! Your the one I love!" I say and he has a massive grin on his face!

"Really?" He asks and I nod my head! He suddenly gives me a tight hug and kisses me again! I kiss back and it's not as long as the first one but the fireworks where clearly visible! He leans back and hugs me again....

"I love you hoe!" He says with the biggest grin on his face!

"I love you more manslag!" I reply back and jump wrapping my legs around his waist and he lowers his hands on my ass to support me.

"I love you most cutie!" He says winking at me making me blush.

"I love you mostest!" I say and he raises an eyebrow and then laughs a bit! Gosh his smile makes me die!

"GURL THT AINT A REALY WORD!" He shouts and I glare at him.

"Wen have you ever became a nerd, cuz I don't wanna choose one..." I say innocently making his eyes go wide! HA! "I guess I hav-"

He cuts me off by locking his soft lips on mine and kisses my with love, when I get out of the shock and start to kiss back he leans out and grins at me! SLUT!

"Your finally mine... I am never letting go of you now...."

AWWWWWWWW! SO Ami chooses and I'm pretty sure you know who she has chosen! I wasn't ment to make it THT obvious but if you still have no idea who she has chosen then I LOVE YOU! The pic kinda gives it away but still... XD One more chapter left after this! THE FINALLY ONE! *gasps* I may do a extra chapter after that so you wizards can see their future.... Maybe kids.... DONT FORGET TO VOTE! And I will see you on Saturday with another update and X

Do You Love Me? Magcon fanficWhere stories live. Discover now