Chapter 27

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Amira POV
"Hey Amira! You look beautiful!' Shawn says and I smile at him...

"Thank- you, your not looking that bad either Shawn!" I say and he laughs..... Taylor and Dill are just standin there shocked as I am but they are showing it whilst I am well... I dont know....

"I would love to stay here longer but I have to take Amira out to her suprise!" Shawn says walking up to me and links his arm with mine.... "See ya later and she will be back at about 11 safely...." Taylor nods and Shawn walks me outside into his very fancy car....
He opens my door, I sit inside and he shuts it behind me. He sits inside and looks at me grinning!

"Oh yh these are for you...." He says handing me the bouquet of roses. I grab them carefull and smile, I see a note in them and I not the note out....

I know ya looking gorgous in that dress I gave ya! Can't wait to see ya in it! If ya wandering who this is then Amira this is for you to find out..... X

I look up to see Shawn beeming at me and I give him a confused look, making him laugh....

"Who sent me this Shawn?" I ask and he carries on driving....

"Amira, you really think I would tell ya that...." Shawn says laughing and I frown

"Well it was worth a try...." I say and he stops the car ifront of a VERY expensive restaurant!

"This is out stop!" Shawn says, he gets out of the car and opens my door, I get out and he closes the door behind me... He passes me another note!

You made it to the first clue! Well done, I hope Shawn hasn't tried to do anythin nashty with ya.... Just kidding but go inside and say "I'm Amira and I would like my suprise...." X

Shawn walks me inside and I go to the reservation place... A women is standing there infront of me and she smiles at me....

"Erm...." I say looking at my note..... "I'm Amira and I would like my suprise...." Her eyes glow and she nods vigerously.... What is goin on?? She runs to the kitchen to grab a box and hands it over to me with a note stuck at the front!

"Here you go and by the way, you are a very lucky girl!" She says and I look at her confused... "Bye have a nice suprise!" I walk out of the door with Shawn and we sit back inside the car! I open the note...

DO NOT OPEN THE BOX! And you look very hot when you pull tht confused face... lol but Shawn will drive you to your destination and there you will find your suprise... X

I look up and Shawn and he smiles at me.... Who is this, who is sending me these notes?? It's turning like Pretty Little Liars here! Shawn starts to drive the car and he plays the music.... I look out of the window and we sit in silence.... Not an arkward silence! A calm, relaxing silence.....

"How long left Shawn??" I ask for the 10th time! We have been sat in the car for about an hour and my ass is literally killing me!

"Haha here just have this note!" Shawn says laughing and hands me a note!

Darling, just a few more minutes left for my to see how beautifull you look.... X

"URRRRGGGGG!" I scream and Shawn looks at me worriedly.....

"Are you okay Amira???" He asks and I nod.... I REALLY WANNNA GET MY ASS OUT OF THIS STUPID CAR!

"I just wanna gooooooooooooooo!" I say and Shawn cracks up a smile..... He puts his hand in a bag and pulls out.... ANOTHER NOTE!

"Here have this it's about time....." He says handing me the note and I snatch it off him! I AM VERY ANNOYED NOW!

Gurl you will be here in about 5 more minutes! I know ya just wanna get out and trust me I really wanna see ya but just wait.... X

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